Water & Energy Efficiency In Recreation Facilities
Presentation Overview Solar PV, Solar passive, Geothermal Variable speed drives (VSD) Lighting and switching Voltage reduction Leaks Fixtures and fittings Irrigation Pool back wash
Collect BAU Data How much energy does it currently use? What claims to the supplier make? Do they seem feasible? Check usage after installation
Solar PV Good payback Check interval data Structural engineering reports Panels ain’t panels Renting roof space (ownership and title issues)
Passive Solar Vacuum tubes. Heat pump hot water systems
Variable Speed Drives Pool pumps Air handling units
Reduce power costs Reduce maintenance and replacement costs Reduce OHS risks Check supplier carries spares and warranty coverage
Light Switching Swipe card SMS PIN Charge by the pole (Single and multiple lamp poles, varying lamp wattages, pole and lamp maintenance)
Voltage Reduction New transformer (Dynamic or static) TX over ride Site survey Resistive loads Inductive loads
Small Appliances Star rating Purchasing policy Whole of life cost (Purchase, operation, maintenance)
Water Leaks Fixtures and fittings Irrigation Pool back wash
“Patron Dependent” Vs “Patron Independent” Water Use Dependent – ablutions etc. Independent – Evaporation, irrigation, (to some extent) backwash
Implications For Water Efficiency Patron dependent water use = lower capital costs and maintenance Showers Taps Toilets & urinals Leaks within these
Implications For Water Efficiency Patron independent water use = capital expenditure, BUT is often a “one off” cost Pool covers and shade structures New filters Irrigation upgrades may need complete systems replacement Sub meters
City/Country Comparison (Potable only)
Covered By Standards
Not All Labels Are Standards
Irrigation Some systems using wrong sprinklers (even though they appear to be working)
Irrigation Systems with even head spacing
Irrigation System Design May be suited to pro forma system design
Sub-meters Water Management Leak Detection Quantification (i.e. irrigation systems, backwash events, ablution water use per patron)
Sub-meters Meter: Main irrigation solenoid Single point large loads (Make up water, ablutions where possible)
Sub-meters Pulse capable Pulse rates of =>1 pulse per 10 Litres Can be fitted with loggers Read in conjunction with main meter
Data Loggers
Sub-meters & Data Loggers MUST be read MUST be analysed MUST be acted on Make it someone’s job
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