Finding the Information You Need on the Internet
What is a Search Engine??? Search tools that are run by robots (“spiders”), not humans Sites are ranked by computers Provide many, many sites – you have to sort through them Contain good and bad sites – you have to decide
“an electronic filing system” an organized collection of related information designed to be accessed by computer Internet Movie Database Everything you could ever want to know about fish Music of all types
The New York Online Virtual Electronic Library It is available to all New York residents for FREE You can access it at school through the Binghamton City School District link to BOCES for FREE It contains the following FREE databases… You can access it at home through the Broome County Public Library for FREE with the number from your library card.
The Gale Virtual Reference Library – Encyclopedias and Almanacs Grolier Online – 3 Encyclopedias, plus dictionaries and current events Junior Edition K12 – Art, history, culture, sports and current events The Health Reference Center – Health related issues, including nutrition, drug abuse
Double-click on Internet Explorer Type
Using Find three sites that look like they would have the information you need to answer the questions on page one Write the URL’s (the web addresses – the “www”) for these 3 sites on your worksheet. type in the name of your artist
Now search your artist through (This search choice is located just above the search box.) Find a portrait of your artist and write the URL on your worksheet. www. Find a painting that your artist created and write the URL on your worksheet. www.
Using Internet Explorer, go to the homepage for the Binghamton City School District. Click on the BOCES logo at the bottom left corner.
Click on the “links for …programs & services a-z” Right here >
Go to the letter “E” and look for “educational resources” Right here >
Click on “School Library System/Media Library Electronic Resources Right here >
And Here > And Here > Scroll down to see the various databases that NOVEL has to offer
Choose one of these three databases: The Gale Virtual Reference Library – Encyclopedias and Almanacs Junior Edition K12 – Art, history, culture, sports and current events Grolier Online – 3 encyclopedias and a dictionary
Using one of these databases, search for information about your artist. *Take notes about the dates of their birth and death. *Take notes about the time in history in which they lived. *Take notes about the style of art they used. *Be sure to write down where you found your information – the name of the database, the name of the article, the author if there is one
< This is Junior Edition K-12 This is Gale Virtual Reference Library > < This is Grolier Online
or The URL’s you found on The information you found on: …with information about the source database