In My Defense Prove This! Make Me Better Who Says? Tort Me
Prove This – 10 Points QUESTION: Prove this first step before the injured party can collect damages. ANSWER: What is the Duty? Final Jeopardy
Prove This – 20 Points QUESTION: In this type of tort the plaintiff does not need to prove that the defendant intended to injure them. ANSWER: What is a Strait Liability Tort? Final Jeopardy
Prove This – 30 Points QUESTION: With this most common type of tort, you don’t have to prove intent, just carelessness ANSWER: What is Negligence? Final Jeopardy
Prove This – 40 Points QUESTION: These are the 4 elements which must be proven in most torts ANSWER: What are 1) Duty 2) Breach 3) Injury and 4) Causation Final Jeopardy
Prove This! – 50 Points QUESTION: This is a causal connection between the duty and the breach ANSWER: What is Proximate Cause? Final Jeopardy
Make Me Better – 10 Points QUESTION: This is given to the plaintiff as a result of a tort and is intended to compensate them for their injury. ANSWER: What are Money Damages? Final Jeopardy
Make Me Better– 20 Points QUESTION: This type of damage is always available where an intentional tort has been committed. ANSWER: What are Punitive Damages? Final Jeopardy
Make Me Better – 30 Points QUESTION: I’ve been awarded money in my tort lawsuit, these are called ANSWER: What are Damages? Final Jeopardy
Make Me Better – 40 Points QUESTION: Tim is being harassed, but he can get this court order to prevent further harassment. ANSWER: What is an Injunction? Final Jeopardy
Make Me Better – 50 Points QUESTION: A plaintiff can get this from a judge if the defendant doesn’t pay their judgement in order to enforce the judgement. ANSWER: What is a Writ of Execution? Final Jeopardy
Who Says?– 10 Points QUESTION: This group decides issues of fact in personal injury cases. ANSWER: Who is the jury? Final Jeopardy
Who Says?– 20 Points QUESTION: This type of law defines most tort duties ANSWER: What is State Law? Final Jeopardy
Who Says? – 30 Points QUESTION: This is an offense against an individual, but not necessarily an offense against society. ANSWER: What is a tort? Final Jeopardy
Who Says? – 40 Points QUESTION: Joe’s mom is being sued for some vandalism he committed at the school. The school’s owners claim they have the right to sue mom because of this ANSWER: What is Vicarious Liability? Final Jeopardy
Who Says?– 50 Points QUESTION: They call BOTH of these people converters ANSWER: Who are the thief and the innocent buyers of stolen goods? Final Jeopardy
Tort Me – 10 Points QUESTION: This is the most common tort ANSWER: What is Negligence? Final Jeopardy
Tort Me – 20 Points QUESTION: Yikes, Donald Trump Says I like him! Now I’m going to sue him for this Tort! ANSWER: What is Invasion of Privacy Final Jeopardy
Tort Me – 30 Points QUESTION: This is unlawful or harmful touching ANSWER: What is Battery? Final Jeopardy
Tort Me – 40 Points QUESTION: Some students are suing the mall owners after they were detained because they are black and the mall thought they would cause trouble. ANSWER: What is False Imprisonment? Final Jeopardy
Tort Me – 50 Points QUESTION: This is a threat with an apparent ability to do immediate injury ANSWER: What is Assault? Final Jeopardy
In My Defense – 10 Points QUESTION: A complete defense for slander and libel must show that the statement is ANSWER: What is True Final Jeopardy
In My Defense – 20 Points QUESTION: Duty requires that we act with the care, prudence, and good judgement of a reasonable person so as not to cause injury to other, if I don’t think this has been proven I will claim it has not met what ANSWER: What is the reasonable-person standard? Final Jeopardy
In My Defense – 30 Points QUESTION: This document compels a witness to appear in court and testify? ANSWER: What is a Subpoena? Final Jeopardy
In My Defense – 40 Points QUESTION: I’m being sued for negligence these are my three possible defenses ANSWER: What is 1) Assumption of the Risk 2) Contributory Negligence and 3) Comparative Negligence? Final Jeopardy
In My Defense – 50 Points QUESTION: In this type of negligence defense the defendant claims the plaintiff’s own actions caused their injury ANSWER: What is Contributory Negligence? Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy The Category is Famous Faces – What’s Your Wager? Brittney Spears has given up this right What is the Right to Privacy?