Spelling Dictionaries and Spellcheckers
Dictionaries and spellcheckers A dictionary is an essential tool for a writer. Do you know how do you use one properly? Do you rely on spellcheckers to solve your spelling problems?
Dictionaries usually have guide words at the top of each page, indicating the first and last words on the page. Guide words
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A dictionary will tell you how to spell a word, but it can tell you far more than this. Here are some types of information that you will find in a good dictionary. originmeaningpronunciation uses It may also tell us word type, whether it is slang, different meanings, etc. The bigger the dictionary, the more information you can expect to find. Dictionary definitions
Look at how the information is set out in this definition. circus n. Travelling show with clowns, performing animals, etc.; (colloq.) a disturbance; [L. circus ring] noun colloquial – which means informal use main definition origin (L. stands for Latin) further definition Dictionary definitions
Use a dictionary to see how much you can find out about these words, then report back to the class. buccaneer ___________________________________ asteroid ___________________________________ poppy ___________________________________ sinister___________________________________ gargoyle___________________________________ Dictionary definitions
From a dictionary you will find out that sometimes words perform more than one function. E.g. paint can be both a noun and a verb Dictionary practice Use your dictionary to find out the functions of these words: hammer – mirror – county –
Word origins Using a dictionary, find out which languages these words come from. bungalow________________ potato________________ carousel________________ volcano________________ chocolate________________
They often give various alternatives and you can choose the correct word. Make sure you use it wisely, however. A computer spellchecker may miss some of your errors – particularly homophones and incorrect apostrophe use. Spellcheckers Electronic spellcheckers can be very useful items. You might have access to a handheld one, and there will probably be one as part of a word-processing program on your computer
Another possible problem with a computer spellchecker is that it might use American English. In this case, you will have to look out for words which are spelt differently in American English. For example: color favorite theater What should these be in British English? colour favourite theatre Can you find any other examples of American English words? Spellcheckers