GENERAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS Multivolume set of books or CD containing information that provides an overview on many subjects. Arrangement: Alphabetical with index for the set. Usage: Use this source when you are looking for general information on people, places, or things. Questions requiring the use of an encyclopedia may ask how or why. Examples: World Book Encyclopedia Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Collier’s Encyclopedia
DICTIONARIES A book with words of a language Arrangement: Alphabetical arrangement Usage: Go to this source when you need to know a word’s meaning, pronunciation, spelling, usage, or origin. Examples: Scholastic Children’s Dictionary World Book Dictionary Student Dictionary
ALMANACS AND HANDBOOKS An annual publication with brief facts and statistics about many subjects. Arrangement: No alphabetical arrangement; index required. Usage: Go to this source when you need specific facts about the government, including city, state, or national government, other countries, statistics about sports or other subjects, zip codes, or prizes. Examples: Kids’ Almanac MacMillan Illustrated Almanac for Kids Florida Handbook
ATLASES A collection of maps in book form. Arrangement: No alphabetical arrangement; place index and table of contents required. Usage: Use this source when you need a map or geographical facts. Various types of maps are included: political maps, physical maps, and specialized maps (climate, products, population, etc.) Examples: Today’s World Atlas of Florida United States Atlas for Young People
INTERNET REFERENCE SOURCES Miami-Dade County Public Schools provides several online reference sources on the Library Media Services homepage Examples: Grolier’s Multimedia Encyclopedia – SIRS Discoverer – Maps – GaleNet –
CURRENT INFORMATION SOURCES Newspapers – Source of current news, pictures, opinions, editorials, comics, and feature articles, usually daily. Usage: Go to this source when up-to-date information and local news are needed. Examples: The Miami Herald, New York Times Magazines – Specialized sources of current news, pictures, opinions, fiction stories, and feature articles, usually monthly. Usage: Use these sources for stories, poems, actiivities, and nonfiction articles on many topics. Examples: Boy’s Life, National Geographic, Zoobooks. Internet: Sources of current news, graphics, and pictures. Usage: Go to this source for the latest possible information. Examples: There are many websites with current information.