DXL SUV Perfects
Latin 1: Schedule 11/17 Obj: to translate a Dative in context Obj: to translate a Dative in context EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? Warm-Up: Translate D Warm-Up: Translate D return tests and talk about retake schedule return tests and talk about retake schedule Stage 9 Stories: thermae Stage 9 Stories: thermae group reading group reading Stage 9 Stories: in taberna Stage 9 Stories: in taberna Stage 9 PTL A, answer verbally Stage 9 PTL A, answer verbally HW: read in palaestra and answer comprehension questions to turn in tomorrow HW: read in palaestra and answer comprehension questions to turn in tomorrow Reminders: S Vocab Quiz 11/19-20 Stage Test 11/25
Latin 1: Retake Schedule You must come to tutorials on Tuesday after school, or make a separate appointment You must come to tutorials on Tuesday after school, or make a separate appointment You will have to retranslate the entire chapter to qualify for a retake You will have to retranslate the entire chapter to qualify for a retake Your retake will be on Wednesday or Friday after school Your retake will be on Wednesday or Friday after school
Latin 1: Schedule 11/18 Obj: to translate a Dative in context Obj: to translate a Dative in context EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? Pass in comprehension questions Pass in comprehension questions Warm-Up: PTL C, pg. 151 Warm-Up: PTL C, pg. 151 Stages 9-10 Picture Parade Stages 9-10 Picture Parade Explain the charts you will need to memorize and reproduce for the test (Stage 9 ATL C,E; Stage 10 ATL B,E) Explain the charts you will need to memorize and reproduce for the test (Stage 9 ATL C,E; Stage 10 ATL B,E) create flashcards for Friday create flashcards for Friday Reminders: S Vocab Quiz 11/19-20 Chart Flashcards 11/21 Stage Test 11/25
Latin 1: Schedule 11/19-20 Obj: to translate a Dative in context Obj: to translate a Dative in context EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? Pass in comprehension questions Pass in comprehension questions Stage 9-10 Vocab Quiz Stage 9-10 Vocab Quiz Stage 10 Sample Sentences Stage 10 Sample Sentences Stage 10 Stories: controversia Stage 10 Stories: controversia pre-read for inflections pre-read for inflections group reading group reading dramatization dramatization Reminders: Chart Flashcards 11/21 Stage Test 11/25
Latin 1: Schedule 11/21 Obj: to translate a Dative in context Obj: to translate a Dative in context EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? Warm-Up: PTL B, pg. 151 Warm-Up: PTL B, pg. 151 Stage 10 Stories: statuae Stage 10 Stories: statuae group reading group reading PTL C, pg. 174 PTL C, pg. 174 Practice Flashcards with one another Practice Flashcards with one another Reminders: Stage Test 11/25
Latin 1: Schedule 11/24 Obj: to translate a Dative in context Obj: to translate a Dative in context EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? EQ: What role do hygiene and fitness play in society? Warm-Up: PTL A, B, and C pg. 174 Warm-Up: PTL A, B, and C pg. 174 Note: EC on test tomorrow Note: EC on test tomorrow discuss what is on the test discuss what is on the test Stage 10 Stories: anulus Aegyptius Stage 10 Stories: anulus Aegyptius comprehension qustions comprehension qustions group reading group reading Reminders: Stage Test 11/25