Welcome to 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Trierweiler
A Little About Mrs. Trierweiler This is my 10 th year teaching. I have taught 4 th grade for 9 of those 10 years, and spent 1 year teaching 2 nd grade. I live at home with my husband, Walt, two sons Patrick (19) and Jack (11), my daughter Jessica(15), and 3 dogs. (2 being 2 year old lab sisters!) I grew up in Islip, NY. I received my Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Elementary Education from UF.
When: Friday, April 29 th Why: Supports science curriculum and country reports Who: All 4 th grade students and parent chaperones More Info: Look for forms in Friday folders in the beginning of September. Outline of expected costs/timeline for payments were in the 4 th Grade Student Handbook sent home the first week of school.
Friday Folder: Return Friday folder every Monday. This is a good time to check AR points and grades online. This form is used for report cards. (Behavior and Work/Study Grades)
Website/Newsletter: Weekly with newsletter link Website: Reading newsletter- in Friday Folders If you do not have internet, please let me know and I will send a hard copy of the newsletter home in Friday folders.
How To Contact Us: or Phone: (Can receive calls until 4:15) s and phone calls will be returned within 24 hours.
Homework: Reading - spelling, grammar, workbook pages, AR Math – Daily except for the evenings following quizzes and tests. Science –Usually a comprehension check or reading from textbook weekly. Social Studies – as needed All homework is on the board for students to copy into their planners.
Math Homework Policy Homework is designated for practice of the skill learned. Your child should be able to complete the work independently. Homework is graded on completion of the task. Children receive a homework grade weekly based on if they completed all homework assignments. This math curriculum is very rigorous and the children will be introduced to many strategies that we as parents are unfamiliar with. Please allow your child to use the strategy that was taught that day in class to complete their homework. Please have your child work for 30 minutes maximum on math homework. If he/she is having a lot of difficulty completing it, please send a note or write on your child’s homework paper letting me know the questions they were having difficulty with, and your signature. Your child will still receive credit for completing the assignment. My goal this year is to make every child love a subject that is often disliked because of it’s complexity. I also would like for each child to learn to be an advocate for themselves. They need to know it’s ok to ask questions.
Planner: Our way of communicating with you Please sign ONLY if your child completes his/her homework Write a note if they didn’t and why (sick, out of town, refused, etc.) Sign Monday – Thursday only
Gradebook(a.k.a. Pinpoint): Website: or on Check grades each week No extra credit is offered You can set up to get daily or weekly s whenever a grade is added or if you child receives a grade below a certain letter grade. The pinpoint login paper you get today can help you get started.
DI and SM8 DI—(Differentiated Instruction) Students receive 45 minutes of daily enrichment or remediation within their DI group. SM8— (Success Maker) Individualized program for Reading and Math Student are currently working on Initial Placement to find their instructional levels in both areas. Students are to make adequate progress on in reading and math.
Math: ”Go Math” Leon County Adopted Addresses new Florida Math Standards More rigorous than Go Math last year. Students are required to explain their answers. Not always evaluated on whether the answer is right or wrong.
Math Grades: Chapter Tests 50% Quizzes 30% Classwork/Homework 20% Children receive weekly homework grades based on completion of nightly homework. Children receive weekly classwork grades based on participation of their daily math practice warm-ups.
GO MATH! Big Idea 1 – Place Value and Operations with Whole Numbers Big Idea 2 – Fractions and Decimals Big Idea 3 – Geometry, Measurement, and Data
Multiplication It is imperative that your child knows their multiplication facts fluently. Xtra Math- This is a program that we can use at home and at school to practice fluency. Student Usernames and Passwords are provided on the sheets given out this evening. Students are encouraged to use this site nightly to learn basic facts. (Starts with addition and ends with division). Time and Sign sheets will be given every Tuesday and Thursday for students to practice multiplication facts until the 11 th of Sept. Please practice multiplication facts daily with your children. Starting September 11 th, students will receive a weekly quiz grade on their timed multiplication quizzes. (100 problems in 5 minutes)
Click here
Science Nature of Science The Practice of Science The Characteristics of Science The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses & Models Earth Space Science Earth Structures Earth in Space in Time Physical Science Properties of Matter Changes in Matter Forms of Energy Energy Transfer & Transformations Motion of Objects Life Science Heredity & Reproduction Interdependence
Science/Social Studies Grading 80% Projects/Tests/Quizzes 20% Class Work/Homework
Social Studies FLORIDA HISTORY In addition we also study: - Celebrate Freedom Week - Constitution Day - Civics Education - Black History & Women’s History Months
Field Trips Museum of Florida History November 24, 2015 EPCOTApril 29, 2016
Thank you for coming ! I will now will take a few moments to answer any general questions you may have. Remember to look for our Sign Up Genius to schedule your child’s conference.!