Form Use Time expression Spelling of verb + -ed Irregular verbs 1 PAST SIMPLE
I worked in New York. She studied English 7 years ago. They left school at 5 o’clock. FORM (Positive)
FORM (Positive) I worked in New York. S + V-ed
I didn’t work in New York. She didn’t study English 7 years ago. They didn’t leave school at 5 o’clock. FORM (Negative)
She didn’t study English 7 years ago. FORM (Negative) S + didn’t V
FORM (Short question) Did you work in New York? Did she study English 7 years ago? Did they leave school at 5 o’clock?
FORM (Short question) Did + S + V ?
FORM (Short question) Yes, S + did No, S + didn’t (did not) Did + S + V ?
FORM (Question) When did she study English? When did they leave school?
When did she study English? FORM (Question) Wh-word + did + S + V?
USE 1. A finished action in the past: John left 3 minutes ago. Thomson and Tintin met in I went to Hanoi last week.
2. Actions that follow each other in a story Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. She heard a noise coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtain open, and then she saw a monster…
3. A past situation or habit When I was a child I lived in a small town near the sea. Every morning my uncle and I walked for miles along the beach…
Notes This is often expressed with used to - I used to live in a small village near the sea. - I and my uncle used to walk for miles
Last night Two days ago Yesterday morning In 2008 In winter When I was young … Time expression
1.Most verbs add –ed to the base form of the verb worked wanted helped watched covered … Spelling of verb + -ed
liked used hated cared moved … 2. When the verb ends in –e, add –d Spelling of verb + -ed
3. If the verb has only one syllable, with one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant before adding –ed. Spelling of verb + -ed stopped planned robbed hugged … Note We write cooked, seated, moaned because there are two vowels.
4. The consonant is not doubled if it is –y or –w Spelling of verb + -ed played showed bowed …
Spelling of verb + -ed 5. In most two-syllable verbs, the end consonant is doubled if the stressed is on the second syllable. preferred admitted … Note We write entered, visited because the stress is on the first syllable.
6. Verbs that end in a consonant + -y change the –y to –ied. Spelling of verb + -ed carried hurried buried … Note We write enjoyed because it ends in a vowel + -y.
Pronunciation /t//id//d/ laughed stopped looked danced wanted shouted boasted pointed covered listened opened screamed
Pronunciation /id/ For verbs ending with t /t/ and d /d/ wanted needed prevented divided …
For verbs ending with f /f/, p /p/, k /k /, ch /t /, sh / /, x /ks/, s /s/ and ss /s/ Pronunciation /t/ laughed cooked boxed focused kissed …
Pronunciation /d/ The rest... opened changed allowed preserved …
Irregular verbs bitebit bit cutcut cut fly flew flown getget get runran run speak spoke spoken …