PIRE Summer School - India Curriculum Planning – Week 2 Urban Material-Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) & Environmental Footprints Anu, Marian, Bhavik, Brian O’ Neill
Text from Proposal Week 2. Urban Metabolism and Environmental Footprints of Cities will be covered via the SEIS framework with concepts of urban energy/materials flow analysis (M-EFA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to develop transboundary water-, energy and GHG emission footprints of cities.
Week 2 Input Outputs: Trade, Jobs, Economy, Pollution
GHG CIF is represented by the territorial GHGs plus GHGs in all trans-boundary infrastructure supply-chains. GHG CBF is represented by only areas in WHITE. GHG IB represents GHGs within the community boundary (territorial). Infrastructure supply- chains provide basic services: Water/Waste, Energy, Transportation, Food, Shelter (matls), used in all cities. Non-Infrastructure supply-chains provide all other goods and services; these may differ across cities. Not to scale Chavez & Ramaswami, 2013
Key Concepts Week 2 Material-Energy Flow Analysis & Footprints Intro: MEFA and Footprints: (Lc.1). MEFA across different units of society (Scale & Boundary Issues; Need to Couple MEFA with LCA to develop Footprints), (Lc.2). Practical Issues of Determining Direct Urban MEFA [Day 1]. General Approach to Developing Urban Resource Use and Pollution Footprints: MEFA & LCA. Different types of LCA; Determining Intensity Factors from LCA (example of Energy and GHG) [Day 2] Different Types of Urban Environmental Footprints, Policy Implications: Infrastructure FP, Consumption FP and “Total”: (1) Group Presentation on Delhi’s Infrastructure GHG Emissions FP (2). Developing the “Total GHG Footprint” Community Wide Infrastructure GHG FP + Non-Infrastructure Flows GHG FP [Day 3]. Water Footprint of Urban Energy Supply - Water-Energy Nexus: (Lc.1). Water FP of Community-Wide Infrastructure, (Lc.2). Water embodied in non- infrastructure flows, (Lc.3). Climate Change and Water Flow in Ganga & Yamuna [Day 4]. Adding on Material Flows: Coupled Water-Energy-Materials FP [Day 5]. Exploring data availability of above in small cities: Kanpur [Day 6].
Assessing Exposure to Concepts (From IGERT)