Lisa Prendergast EO20/ Operations Lead January
Energy is an ESA experiment, that uses the following NASA hardware: MELFI HRF Rack 2 Utilizes MELFI for cold stowage of urine samples Utilizes HRF Rack 2 and PFS hardware for oxygen measurements Additional ESA activities, which have no POIC involvement: Urine collect Water collect Specialized diet Sensewear (an activity monitor that is worn throughout the 10 days of the experiment) 2
ESA is responsible for planning all activities for Energy except: POIC planners will schedule required HRF2/PFS ground and unattended activities in the timeline. Cold Stowage team will provide MELFI stowage locations to ESA and will ensure Execution Notes are correct. ESA is responsible for negotiating overall scheduling with MCC-H, including any deviations from nominal scheduling rules (e.g. PFS sessions during pre-sleep). Planning constraints with NASA payloads: There is a 4-day minimum, preferably 7-day separation between ENERGY measurement day and Pro K diet sessions. No Holter/Cardiopress/BP-ECG or similar equipment are to be used on the right arm during the 10 ENERGY experiment days. For other constraints click on the following link and go to the Increment Planning Gr&C: 3
ESA is responsible for executing all crew activities for Energy Crew questions related to ESA hardware, PFS, Energy scheduling, experiment protocol, rescheduling, or constraints will be fielded by COL-CC. Crew questions related to HRF Rack 2, HRF Laptop, or MELFI locations will be fielded by POIC. POIC is responsible for activating and deactivating HRF Rack 2 in support of Energy science. 4
Reside in the ESA PODF Marked Impact P for HRF to review for safe and consistent use of the HRF Rack and PFS hardware 5
Operations occur after the crewmember has been on-board 3 months, and at least 3 weeks before they return: Operations consist of 10 days: The day before science begins: ESA planning: Crew eats specialized diet, sets up Sensewear, and performs a water sample Crew sets up HRF2/PFS – ESA planning (touches NASA Hardware) Day 1: ‘The Big Day!’ PFS measurements taken throughout the day Urine samples taken throughout the day and put in MELFI Days 2 – 10: ESA plans and executes activities (water collect, urine collect, specialized diet, and Sensewear). The only activity that affects POIC is the MELFI urine insert 6
7 Crew PAYCOM POD DAMECHRF EUROCOM PFS, Sensewear, Food, Water, and Overall Experiment Constraints HRF-2, HRF Laptop, MELFI COL OC CADMOS Food & DLW intake Sensewear and urine/water samples HRF-2 Rack & HRF Laptop Overall Experiment, PFS