J OURNAL D AY 1 Please insert a picture of your Kidspiration Invention ideas in the box below
J OURNAL D AY 1 What are technologies and who designs them? Humans design it. What is the process used to design technologies? The engineering design process What was your favorite invention from your group? The heated jacket design
J OURNAL D AY 2 What do I know about windmills? They spin when it is windy. What do I want to find out about windmills? Why do people use windmills. How will I find this information?Read more information. Watch movies too.
J OURNAL D AY 2 & 3 Please insert a picture of your Kidspiration notes in the box below.
J OURNAL D AY 3 What can windmills and wind turbines be used to do? They can be used to use wind to create energy. How does the wind help the windmill or wind turbine? What does the wind give to the windmills and turbine? The wind helps to spin the blade that then makes energy.
J OURNAL D AY 4 What do mechanical engineers do? They create things and make improvements to make our lives better. How does designing a sail fit in to the work that mechanical engineers do? They can try and see how they can improve the sail to make it go faster and last longer.
J OURNAL D AY 5 Insert the movie and photos of sail attempts below
J OURNAL D AY 6 How did creating the sail help you design your windmill blade? We got to test different materials to see which one caught the wind the best. We chose the material for our windmill blade that was the best for catching the wind.
J OURNAL D AY 8 Which windmill worked the best and why? The windmill that was made of paper in a rectangle with tape worked the best. It was able to catch the wind and not bend.
J OURNAL D AY 9 How did you act as a mechanical engineer? We used the EDP to find out which materials and design would work the best for our windmill blade. Which step of the Engineering Design Process was your favorite and why? Creating, because we got to work with the materials and make a windmill blade. What improvements would you make to your group's original invention? We would make the blades bigger to catch more wind. How does technology help you in the engineering design process? It helps make things easier.