Last Word: Assignment 5 for tomorrow Consider: What kind of person runs for political office? Turn in optional Prez WQ or fill out a notecard with the person you support for Prez.
Political Campaigns Or…why would someone spend a billion dollars to get a job that pays $400,000?
Video: The Big Picture 13 IA_1/polisci/presidency/OConner_Ch13_The_Campaign_Pr ocess_Seg1_v2.html
Nomination (primary) Campaign Winning the primary election Starts years before general election Target: party leaders and interest groups Test themes, slogans, and strategies Primary voters more extreme and ideological Candidates must be careful not to cater too much to the base during this campaign, as this will come back to bite them later on
General Election Campaign Different than primary Compete against different parties Movement towards the center of spectrum Party loyalists unlikely to budge; will still vote for their candidate Competing for moderates Length of campaign varies by state Depends on when the primary was held 13.1
Elements of Presidential Campaigns Money – over $3 billion spent in 2012 ◦ Much spent on advertising ◦ What is the overall impact of TV political ads (spots) on voters? Organization – staff to run campaign Theme and Strategy of campaign Tone – positive or negative Theme - Trust, competence, stay the course, “hope and change”, “compassionate conservatism” Timing – go for broke or hold back reserves Targets – which voters? Only some change votes from one election to next. voter/n voter/n27698 Televised Debates Why would incumbent NOT want to debate a challenger?
Assembling the Campaign: The Candidate Why do candidates run? Personal ambition Ideological objectives Campaigns take a personal toll Public exposure and scrutiny for entire family Chance of rejection Meet and greet as many voters as possible Exhaustion leads to gaffes Tempers flare due to sleep deprivation 13.2
Last Word: Assignment 5 for Wednesday Consider: What is “oppo”?
Assembling A Campaign: Staff Campaign Manager Controls entire campaign; usually only runs one at a time Finance Chair Responsible for accounting; increasingly important as $$ grows in importance Communications Staff Communications director Press secretary Internet team Campaign consultants Private sector; increasingly specialized “Oppo” Volunteers The “lifeblood” of the campaign Canvassing/GOTV 13.2
How are campaign staff organized? 13.2
Campaign Supplementals The Ad-makers ◦ /political-campaigns- from-the-ad-makers-view /political-campaigns- from-the-ad-makers-view Managing a Campaign ◦ /managing-a- campaign-takes-blood-sweat- tears-and-a-smartphone /managing-a- campaign-takes-blood-sweat- tears-and-a-smartphone Opposition Research ◦ /opposition- researchers-stirring-up-daily- brushfires /opposition- researchers-stirring-up-daily- brushfires