GOVERNMENT WRAP UP 1) Which form of government offered the most freedoms? Why? 2) Which group offered the most protection? Why? 3) What changes as you move through the various types of government?
Did You Know?!? Tennis was originally played with bare hands Koalas sleep around 18 hours a day A blue whale can weigh as much as 30 elephants and as long as 3 large tour buses A group of whales is called a pod and a group of rhinos is called a crash
Sparta and Athens
A Shift in Government City states controlled primarily by monarchs between 1000 and 700 BCE. Inherited power Collected taxes, provided protection, etc Monarchs fought each other for resources and land lost power Power then shifted to the nobility who owned land and had money Known as an aristocracy.
Sparta One of the strongest city states in Greece. Located in Southern Greece. Descended from the Dorians. The city was landlocked (no access to water) Forced to depend on a large slave population and agriculture for wealth.
Spartan Life Created a powerful military state (600 and 371 BCE.) Spartans had few individual liberties. Led to a lack of arts Focus was on Sparta alone Men’s life centered around military training. Boys left home at the age of seven to begin military training. Women managed family estates while men served Sparta. Unlike other Greek city-states, women were visible (but could not vote).
Spartan Government Sparta formed an oligarchy An aristocracy where wealthy artisans rule with land owners Often the result of anger with nobility- small number emerge as most influential Normally In military societies Spartan government consisted of two groups: 1. Assembly: All free adult males Elected officials and voted on major issues 2. Council of Elders: (THIS MADE THEM AN OLIGARCHY) Proposed laws that the assembly voted on Included Ephors – Five individuals carried out the laws and controlled education and served as judges The most powerful people in Sparta Two kings controlled the military.
Spartan Society RRigid social structure with several groups: CCitizens - those who descended from original inhabitants RRuling families who owned land. NNoncitizens - free individuals who worked in commerce and industry. HHelots - Unfree individuals who farmed the land for the state. SSlaves - household servants and those who worked for warriors
Athens Located in eastern Greece, north of Sparta. Had access to the Aegean Sea Established wealth based on trade. Developed a dominate navy to protect trade
Rule of Tyrants Like Sparta, began as a aristocracy Common clashes between aristocrats and common people — Peasants demanded a written code of laws. — Violence increased when iron weapons were made available Unrest among peasants led to the rise of Tyrants- fall of aristocracy Leaders who supported the poor
Draco (a judge) wrote the first code of laws around 622 BCE Favored the upper classes. In 594, Solon wrote a code that did the following: — Allowed more citizens to participate and debate policies in the Athenian assembly. — Limited the power of the nobility. — Beginnings of Democracy
General Pisistratus Provided money to help peasants to buy farm equipment. Taxed agriculture production. Launched building program to employ the poor.
Cleisthenes 508 BCE- established the first true democracy- Took away power from the nobility in the assembly - more equality. Allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate in the Athenian Assembly. Created the Council of 500 administered the laws and performed the everyday business of government. Established a jury system for court trials.
Developed a limited democracy - rule by the people. Citizens = free adult males Only 1/5 of population considered citizens Assemblies formed to represent people Met in public debates to discuss issues Included all citizens Council of 500 Proposed laws and counseled assemblies Selected from citizens at random Athenian Democracy
THURSDAY!! Agenda 1) Test Discussion 2) Development of Democracy 3) Venn Diagram 4) Intro Persian Wars What’s Due Government Venn Diagram What’s Next Persian Wars Movie TEST- NOVEMBER 21 st
Athenian Society Slaves constituted 1/3 of the population - worked in mines, farms, and as house servants. Women managed the household (raised children, wove clothing, cooked, etc.).