The 6 Functions of the Media A medium is means of communication. Media is the plural of medium.
Functions of the Media 1.Entertainment Most hours of radio and are dedicated to entertaining the public Battle for primetime ratings! (ex. Grey’s Anatomy v. CSI:) Introduce material that may be politically controversial and may stimulate public discussion (ex. Recent “Marathon Mom”— should women have rigorous workouts before and right after having baby?)
2. Reporting the News Ex. newspapers, magazines, radio, television, cable, and online news services Convey the words and pictures about events, facts, personalities, and ideas First Amendment protections keep the flow of news as free as possible (freedom of speech)
3. Identifying Public Problems What the government IS DOING and what the government OUGHT TO BE DOING Setting the public agenda –Example: Child predators/ Pedophiles »News programs— Dateline’s To Catch a Predator »legislation—“Megan’s Law” requires police to notify neighbors about the release and/or resettlement of certain offenders
4. Socializing New Generations Media influences the beliefs and opinions of all Americans Significant role in the political socialization of the younger generation –Children’s shows— entertain young viewers while instructing them in the traditional moral values of American society TV often has biases –FOX News –CNN
5. Providing a Political Forum Provides a political forum for leaders and the public –Ex. You Tube debates Candidates for office use media to sustain interest in their campaigns Office holders use media to gain support for their policies or to present an image of leadership Citizens can participate in the public debate—through letters to the editor, televised editorials, or e- mail
6. Making Profits Most news media in the United States are private, for-profit corporate enterprises Need to make money to pay employees and for stockholders in the company Profits are made by charging for advertising Some publicly owned outlets operate without extensive commercials, are locally supported, and are often subsidized by the government and corporations (ex. National Public Radio)