Aim: How did the election of 1800 effect the US?
Election of 1800 The rematch!! The rematch!! Adams vs. TJ Adams vs. TJ This time TJ spent 4 years getting ready for the rematch This time TJ spent 4 years getting ready for the rematch Without a doubt the craziest election ever!!! Without a doubt the craziest election ever!!!
Attack Ad n-tv-replay-attack-ads-circa n-tv-replay-attack-ads-circa n-tv-replay-attack-ads-circa n-tv-replay-attack-ads-circa-1800 Mudslinging!!!!! Mudslinging!!!!!
Election of 1800
What to do???? How does the tie get settled? How does the tie get settled? The two candidates who received a majority of the votes have a run-off election in the House of Representatives (controlled by the Federalists) The two candidates who received a majority of the votes have a run-off election in the House of Representatives (controlled by the Federalists) TJ counts the votes as VP… he actually should have discounted Georgia’s votes b/c of technicality,, which then wouldn’t have given TJ and Burr a majority, which then would have made it a 5 way run off!!!! TJ counts the votes as VP… he actually should have discounted Georgia’s votes b/c of technicality,, which then wouldn’t have given TJ and Burr a majority, which then would have made it a 5 way run off!!!! If you were Burr, originally only running to become TJ’s VP, what would you do?? If you were Burr, originally only running to become TJ’s VP, what would you do??
Election of 1800 Oddities The People and the Electoral College didn’t pick the President, the House of Representatives The People and the Electoral College didn’t pick the President, the House of Representatives Jefferson and Burr tied for 1 st place with 73 votes each Jefferson and Burr tied for 1 st place with 73 votes each The incumbent President came in 3 rd place The incumbent President came in 3 rd place 35x a tie vote in House 35x a tie vote in House Hamilton convinces his friends in House to pick………….. Hamilton convinces his friends in House to pick………….. Jefferson wins!!! Jefferson wins!!!
Jefferson and Burr So what did Burr do???? Burr never fully openly goes for the Presidency, but he never says no,, he just chills in NY and lets the scenario play out If your TJ, how do you deal with your new VP? Jefferson basically ignores Burr as VP for the whole term
Burr vs. Hamilton History Burr, the famous family (Jonathan Edwards was grandpa, dad was one of the founders of Princeton U. Hamilton was bastard child in West Indies and his mom left him at 8 Burr becomes 1 st Senator from NY State, beating Hamilton’s father in law Writes antil slavery law Only founding father who was a women rights advocate!! Competing for GW’s affection “Little Hammie” vs. the hero of Quebec!! Burr saved Hamilton’s unit during invasion of NY! And never got full credit Competing NYC lawyers Burr the BS’er vs. Hamilton the writer
Hamilton on Burr “I fear Mr. Burr is unprincipled, both as a public and a private man. In fact, I take it he is for or against nothing but as it suits his interest and ambition.” “Mr. Burr is determined, as I conceive, to climb the highest honors of the state. He is bold, enterprising, and intriguing and I feel it is a religious duty to oppose his career”. “The appointment of Burr as president would disgrace our country abroad”. “dangerous man and one who ought not to be trusted”.
Burr vs. Hamilton Burr knows he isn’t going to be VP again, so he starts campaigning for Gov. of NY Hamilton (who owns NY Post), urges NY to vote against Burr Post runs list “upwards of twenty women of ill fame (prostitutes) with whom Burr has been connected.” Hamilton says at a Burr bashing party, that he could tell the people of a “more despicable opinion” about Burr’s personal life Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel
The Duel Weehawkin NJ Hamilton wins the coin toss, and gets to shoot first He shoots into the air. Why? Burr goes second… …. and shoots Hamilton in the chest Hamilton dies the next day
Burr Conspiracy Wanted for murder in NY and NJ Goes back to D.C. to finish out his term as VP If he wins governorship of NY, plots with Federalists in New England to secede from the US with NY Loses NY election, convinces the head US general (and 2 future presidents!!!) to invade territory West of the Mississippi River and New Orleans Plot revealed, Burr tried for treason Found not guilty by Federalist judge John Marshall Leaves the US, urges Napoleon to make peace with England and have a joint invasion of Southwest US and make Burr emperor of a new country
Fitting End? Returns to NY and practices law for rest of life Marries rich widow She sues for divorce, divorce is granted the day he dies The lawyer who delivers the divorce papers????? Alexander Hamilton’s 2 nd son James
Jefferson’s Inaugural Address Friends and Fellow Citizens: Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.