George Washington Precedents of the 1 st President
Why is Washington’s Presidency Important? Washington was the first president He knew his actions would help to shape the new federal government His actions set a precedent for future presidents to follow
an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example to guide similar circumstances in the future.
Inauguration : the formal admission of someone to office. Inaugural Speech : a speech given during this ceremony which informs the people of his/her intentions as a leader. Washington gives an Inaugural Speech at his Inauguration, something every President has done since.
Chooses to only serve 2 terms. Now Presidents can ONLY serve 2 terms maximum.
The Cabinet Washington chose these trusted advisors to help him make the best decisions.
The Cabinet Washington asked Congress to create four Executive Departments to assist him in his responsibilities. Those Departments were… 1.The Department of State 2.The Department of the Treasury 3.The Department of War 4.The Justice Department
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson Author of Declaration of Independence U.S. Ambassador to France Responsible for carrying out Foreign Policy
Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton Banker from New York Served under General Washington in Revolutionary War Responsible for collecting government revenue (taxes) and paying government debts and obligations
Secretary of War Henry Knox Served as Washington’s artillery commander during Revolutionary War Responsible for National Defense
Attorney General Edmund Randolph Head of Justice Department In charge of law enforcement The nations chief lawyer
The Cabinet Today A Few More People
The Cabinet Today Over the years the size of the cabinet has expanded National crises like 9/11 have led to the addition of new executive departments The cabinet does not really advise the President today, they carry out his policies
Judiciary Act of 1789 The Constitution did not spell out the details of the Judicial Branch Congress passed and Washington signed a law that created federal district and circuit (appellate) courts and set the number of Supreme Court Justices
Washington made Thanksgiving into an official Holiday
Enforces Federal Power: Whiskey Rebellion As part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan to pay off the nation’s debt from the Revolution an excise tax was imposed on whiskey. Whiskey production brought in a lot of cash for farmers in western Pennsylvania (it was sometimes even used as currency) These farmers felt victimized by the tax and refused to pay it. When federal agents showed up to collect the tax the farmers refused to pay and even physically attacked some of the agents.
Whiskey Rebellion Farmers organized themselves into a militia of close to 7000 men. George Washington had two options: ignore the uprising or enforce federal law.
Whiskey Rebellion Washington chose enforcement; he and Hamilton led an army of 15,000 troops into Western Pennsylvania and put down the rebellion. This established the new federal governments authority to enforce its laws within the states, even if the states disagreed with the law.
Can you remember another rebellion in our Nations recent past? Compare Shay’s Rebellion to the Whiskey rebellion. How are they similar? How are they different? What does the result of this rebellion show you about America?
Foreign Policy VS The French Revolution sparks war between Great Britain and France Each nation wanted the U.S. to support them against the other George Washington felt the best thing for the U.S. to do was to take a course of neutrality Neutrality – a nation does not favor one side over another in a conflict and maintains a normal relationship.