Nanotechnology and Ways it can Help the Poor Stephanie Plichcinski
Introduction About three-fourths of poverty stricken individuals that live in developing countries, live in the rural areas that depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Face challenges such as obtaining clean water and food, producing better nutritional crops and farming facilities that require less work yet increasing productivity as a whole.
Nano-revolution is still young and needs further development, however the nanotechnology present in agriculture, water and disease already demonstrate a great potential for the poor.
Agriculture Production Nanoherbicides – Pesticides encapsulated in nanoparticles, that can reduce weed numbers and are slow released. Potentially reduce injury to workers and less physical work. Nanofertilizers – Encapsulated in nanoparticles. Efficiency of nutrient uptake is increased therefore increasing growth rate and lush crops.
Nanosensors – enable to sense physical, chemical or biological conditions therefore allowing farmers to see water and nutrient status of plants and treat accordingly. Other applications of nanotechnology in agriculture production are nanofeed additives, smart delivery systems, nanocoatings and zeolites for water retention.
Water Safety Nano-enabled water treatment techniques use membranes and filters made of carbon nanotubes, nanoporous ceramics and magnetic nanoparticles. Carbon nanotube filters remove impurities from drinking water. NanoCeram filter – uses positively charged filter to trap negative charged bacteria and viruses. Removes DNA, viruses, endotoxins and micron-sized particles.
Detoxification and removal of harmful pollutants done through synthetic clay nanominerals. Removes arsenic from the water.
Medicine Quantum Dots can detect HIV/AIDS molecules in their early stages, which potentially help in treatment later. VivaGel is a microbicide and purpose is to reduce the risk of infection of HIV/AIDS particularly for women. Done by the gel sticking to the virus surface and disables the virus to attach itself to other cells. Nanoporous membranes help in disease treatment by allowing medication to be controlled and slowed and keeping it at a constant.
Nanotechnology has great potentials to help poverty stricken areas however still needs further research and development. The Ultimate Goal of Nanotechnology “Promise of making things smaller. Better and less costly to users”.
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