FFA Judging Contest Floriculture Plant Identification
The following PowerPoint presentation was assembled by Thomas McCutcheon. The information was assembled from various sources publicly available on the Internet. The information was gathered over a period of time and from sources too numerous to list individually. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of these web sites and publicly express his sincere appreciation for the assistance. The presentation was assembled solely for educational purposes. The author did not or will never receive financial reward for the preparation of the presentation. The presentation may be copied and distributed in parts or in its entirety for educational purposes. If any part of this presentation is distributed, the efforts of Mr. McCutcheon in assembling the materials must be recognized. The distributor may not receive any financial compensation for this service. Tom McCutcheon Extension Agent and Extension Clinical Assistant Professor Tom.McCutcheon@mail.wvu.edu WVU Monongalia County Extension Office 26 Commerce Drive, WesMon Plaza Morgantown, WV 26501 (304) 291-7201 FAX (304) 291-7202
101- Bromeliad
102- Ageratum
103- Aglaonema
104- Peruvian Lily
105- Snapdragon
106- Flamingo Lily
107- Zebra Plant
108- Norfolk Island Pine
109- Sprengri Fern
110- Asparagus Fern
111- Astilbe
112- Tuberous Begonia
113- Wax Begonia
114- Fancy-Leaved Caladium
115- Pocketbook Plant
116- China Aster
117- Common Amellia
118- Common Garden Canna
119- Madagascar Periwinkle
120- Cattleya Orchid Hybrid
121- Cockscomb
122- Parlor Palm
123- Waxflower
124- Spider Plant
125- Marguerite Daisy
126- Florist’s Chrysanthemum
127- Shasta Daisy
128- Grape Ivy
129- Clematis
130- Croton
131- Coleus
132- Jade Plant
133- Florist’s Cyclamen
134- Cymbidium Orchid
135- Carnation
136- Spotted Dumbcane
137- Corn Plant Draceana
138- Red Edge Dracena
139- Hen and Chickens
140- Barrel Cactus
141- Golden Pothos, Devil’s Ivy
142- Spring Heather
143- Silver Dollar Gum
145- Poinsettia
146- German Violet
147- Benjamin Fig
148- Decora Rubber Plant
149- Creeping Rubber Plant
151- Nerve Plant
152- Gardenia
153- Garden Gladiolus
154- Transvaal Daisy
155- Purple Passion Velvet Plant
156- Baby’s Breath
157- English Ivy
158- Dwarf Schefflera
159- Daylily
160- Amaryllis
161- Plantain Lily
162- Wax Plant
163- Hyancinth
164- French Hydranga
165- Impatiens
166- Flag Bearded Iris
167- Dutch Iris
168- Shrimp Plant
169- Kalanchoe
170- Liatris
171- Trumpet (Easter) Lily
172- Hybrid (Garden) Lily
173- Statice
174- Sweet Alyssum
175- Prayer Plant
176- Flowering Stock
177- Cutleaf Phildendron
178- Daffodil
179- Bromeliad
180- Boston Fern
181- Cactus
182- Peony
183- Ladyslipper Orchid
184- Regal Geranium
185- (Zonal) Geranium
186- Ivy Geranium
187- Watermelon Peperomia
188- Emerald Ripple Peperomia
189- Varigated Peperomia
190- Common Garden Petunia
191- Phalaenopsis (butterfly) Orchid
192- Heartleaf Philodendron
193- Aluminum Plant
194- Friendship Plant
195- Artillery Plant
196- Creeping Charley
197- Swedish Ivy
198- Tubererose
199- Polyanthus (Primrose)
200- Fairy Primrose
201- Azalea
202- Hybrid Tea Rose
203- leatherleaf Fern
204- African Violet
205- Salvia
206- Snake Plant
207- Strawberry Plant
208- Christmas Cactus
209- Thanksgiving/Crab Cactus
210- Diamond Dusty Miller
211- Florist’s Cineraria
212- Gloxinia
213- Jerusalem Cherry
214- White Anthurium, Peace Lily
215- Stephanotis
216- Bird-of-Paridise
217- Nephthytis
218- Marigold
219- Picaback Plant
220- Tulip
221-Florist’s Huckleberry
222- Pansy
223- Wandering Jew
224- Zinnia