BELL RINGER Think of your favorite toy as a child What was it? Why did you like it so much? What age were you when you played with it?
A GOOD TOY IS… Safe and durable Can be played with in many ways Contributes to the development of a child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills Is well made with pleasing shapes, colors, textures, or sounds Is fun and fits a child’s talents, interests, abilities, and size Fits in with pocket book and tastes
DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE TOY SELECTION It makes sense to purchase certain toys at certain times in children’s lives A toy bought at the beginning of a developmental stage is much high in play value than a single function toy that may be played with for a limited time and then ignored Often the case with fad toys
Just because something is made for a child DOES NOT MEAN it is good for a child!
WHICH IS MORE BENEFICIAL? Lincoln Logs? Tickle me Elmo?
TOYS FOR INFANTS Crib mobiles Toys that stack Unbreakable plastic mirrors Toys that squeak Toys for filling and dumping Rattles What type of play is this?
TOYS FOR TODDLERS Matching games Legos Props for block play Puzzles Balls -What area of development would this help with Push/pull toys -What area of development would this help with?
TOYS FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Story books Blocks Sand Threading beads Dress up clothes
TIME LINE ACTIVITY With a partner, create a timeline of toys drawing or clipping pictures out of a magazine. You must have at least three toys per age groups. The age groups are infant, toddler, and pre-schooler
TIME LINE SAMPLE ______________________________________________________ InfantToddlerPre-schooler
MAGNETIC COLOR BLOCK KIT I chose this toy for the children that are pre-school age because cognitively it can help with memorizing colors. It can also help with imagination because the students can create different objects. It will help them with sequencing and patterns because they can create them. This will help students develop their fine motor skills because they have to use their hands to pull the magnets off and fingers to move the magnets around. This toy is appropriate for pre-schoolers. Pre-school students are working on fine motor skills as well as identifying colors and creating sequences, objects, and patterns. This toy would not appropriate for toddlers or infants because the parts of to small and it could be a safety hazard. The content area this toy benefits is math, because pre-schoolers could count and sort the magnets.
TOTD Describe the dangers in the following toys: Rings wooden swing seats screws and bolts.
"Toys Selection - from ITFDC." Upload & Share PowerPoint Presentations and Documents. Web. 12 Dec