Vision, mission, passion and luck the creation of a university press Alison Shaw Policy Press, University of Bristol
Who are Policy Press? Social science, University of Bristol Not-for-profit, social mission 20 subjects, 120 books, 7 journals, CPS Wide range formats – print and digital International and national reach Impact and engagement
The toddler years: ‘Publishing research to inform policy’ … to commission and publish significant research findings quickly, and in an accessible form, so that they may impact on policy formulation, implementation and evaluation.
Social mission forming “Policy Press are dedicated to publishing work that counts and serves a wider purpose, producing books with care and craftsmanship. Their books make a difference.” Danny Dorling, University of Oxford. Primary school years th birthday
No longer just ‘policy’ “ Policy Press has established itself as a distinctive publishing voice and now ranks amongst the preeminent social science university presses in the UK”. Wendy Larner, Provost, University of Wellington Adolescence
An international university press “Policy Press has a critical role to play in our global political discourse. They deliver thoughtful titles on the issues that truly challenge our times.” Sam Pizzigati, IPS, Washington Coming of age 2016
5 lessons: publishing strategy
List development Specialise Expertise Need Vertical? “I found the Policy Press team highly professional, dedicated, visionary and very sympathetic as an author. All in all, terrific to work with.” Lord Peter Hain
Authors Service Reputation “Policy Press took me just as seriously when I was a beginning academic as they do today. I hope and plan to be a Policy Press author for the rest of my career." Salvatore Babones, Sydney University
Customers Community Marketing Discovery “Time and again Policy Press has published provocative and profound books on the vital topics of our day. We need publishers like this.” Melissa Benn, journalist, campaigner
Quality Global ambassador ‘Better than good’? Alosh Bennett, Creative Commons, Flickr
Impact and engagement More than REF – make a difference "Over the past two decades Policy Press has grown into a crucial source of wisdom, challenge and analysis." Nicholas Timmins, Kings Fund and Financial Times
4 lessons: Organisational strategy Ryan and Sarah Deeds, Creative Commons, Flickr
Strategy ‘Star to steer by’ Values Strategy Alon, Creative Commons, Flickr,
People Team Upstream Structure “It makes a real difference publishing with publishers who really care. Staff at Policy Press are a joy to work with.” Baroness Ruth Lister
Leadership Focus Decision-making Learning Chris Potter,, Creative Commons, Flickr
Central services Systems Processes Infrastructure
What now?
Thank you for listening Alison Shaw Director Policy Press, University of Winner: IPG Frankfurt Book Fair Academic and Professional Publisher of the Year 2016 Shortlisted: Bookseller Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year 2016