LOTAR International Project LOTAR Overview Prepared By Rick Zuray
What is LOTAR…… The LOTAR International Project is a working group supported by the AIA,PDES Inc., ASD-STAN and ProSTEP iViP consortium. The project goal is to develop, publish and maintain standards designed to provide the capability to archive and retrieve digital product and technical information, including 3D CAD and PDM data, in a standard neutral form that can be read and reused throughout the product lifecycle, independent of changes in the IT application environment originally used for creation. The multi-part standard covers both the information content and the processes required to ingest, store, administer, manage and access the information.
History At the request by the FAA in Sept of 1999 a team was formed under the leadership of Boeing to work with the Aerospace Industries Association to develop a documented process to support the long term storage and retrieval of 3D Model Based Type Design Data for the US. The team was charted under the AIA Civil Aviation Council, Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repair Committee in March The team published Aerospace Recommended Practice ARP-9034 Sept 2002.
History The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) requested that the US team up with the European Aerospace Industry activity being started under AECM-Stan in Sept In Jan 2003 the AIA and AECMA-Stan teams joined forces and adopted the European project name LOTAR, LOng Term, Archival and Retrieval of digital product data and have been working together ever since. In 2008/9 a four party consortium was formed between the AIA, PDES Inc., ASD-STAN and ProSTEP iViP, and with this new operating model the LOTAR activity began to grow and has been growing ever since.
The Five (5) Major areas addressed by LOTAR…
Improve project management Expand technical involvement in project support Solicit new membership People Process Technology Team and Sub-projects in place Telecons/Meetings/Off-sites LOTAR Consortium Formed MOU/Charter Process Steering Council established Bi-annual review Model Based 3D vs 2D Paper Neutral format for data retention (STEP) Polyline Presentation STEP Validation Improve communication of Model Based Environment Improve pilot activity with solution providers Reduce validation cycle time Ineffective and inefficient tools Limited use of technologies Technology maturation limited Develop clear requirements with supporting use cases Consider technologies outside the box TodayActionsFuture Continuous improvement and customer-focused High-performing culture Focus on functional excellence and project metrics Growth opportunities within and outside Aerospace Industry Leaner & more efficient processes Semantic Representation of PMI Data Integrated verification and validation process Complete end to end LOTAR process Standardized source of data retention Standardized data exchange and interoperability Seamless Design reuse
7 Digital Enterprise LOTAR Engineering Analysis Digital Manufacturing Information Standards: Infrastructure & Maintenance AP203, AP209, AP210, AP233, AP239, AP242 Integration & Data Exchange Testing Systems Engineering Model Based Enterprise MBe MBs System Life Cycle Support Product Lifecycle Management MBm
8 Interoperability of Like Domain and Cross Domain CAD/CAE Implementation of DFx Rules Engines Network Centric Manufacturing (NCM) Demo With DSN Innovations Long Term Archiving And Retrieval of Information Integration of Gaming Technologies To Leverage Advanced Visualization in Developmental Decision Making
AIAPDES Inc. Project Steering Council Leadership Team LOTAR International Consortium ASD-STANProSTEP iViP Rusty Rentsch Patricia Robertson David Williams Mike Jahadi Gunter Lessmann Yves Baudier Steven Vettermann Reinhold Pohl Rick Zuray Jean-Yves Delaunay David White Jochen Boy Jeff Holmlund David Williams
VisualizationSystems engineering The Digital Vision Managed Digital ModelBased Definition throughout the theEnterprise MBengineering MBmanufacturing MBsustainment MBproduct life cycle AP 203 E2, AP 214, AP 209, AP 232, AP 239 AP 242, LOTAR etc. ISO Standards EN/NAS Standards
Mission It is the mission of LOTAR International to globalize a standards-based archival and retrieval mechanism for digital product and technical information through the ongoing harmonization and standardization efforts of Aerospace and Defense organizational affiliations.
LOTAR: An Innovative New PDES Business Model Ten “LOTAR Members” Boeing Lockheed Martin BAE Systems Sandia National Labs Airbus (CY2010 Only) Sikorsky Goodrich Aero Gulfstream Spirit Aero GE Systems Each Designates $25K/Year to LOTAR Project “Active Member” voting status Full access to all material and product development.
WP2: Development of Common Process Parts WP3: Development of Data Domain Specific Parts WP5: Development of L-T Archiving Rec. Practices WP1: Development of Basic Parts WP6: Harmonization ( AIA, ASD, PDES Inc, ProSTEP iViP, ISO, CAX Impl. Forum, …) WP0: Project Management WP7: Communication (FAA, EASA, … IT Vendors, Standardization) WP4: Implementation of Pilot Projects
Common Process Parts Part 15: Removal Part 14: Retrieval Part 13: Archival Storage Part 12: Ingest Part 11: Data Preparation Part 10: Common Process Part 100: Fundamentals & & concepts 3D CAD Detail Geometry with PMI & Assembly Parts with PMI Part 110: CAD 3D explicit geometry Part 115: CAD 3D (explicit) assembly structure Explicit 3D Geometric Shape Representation Explicit 3D Geometric Shape Representation including Product & Manufacturing Information (PMI), Form Features & Parametric Attributes Part 120: V1-V3 CAD 3D explicit geometry (Detail) with PMI & F-F Explicit 3D Geometric Shape Representation including Product & Manufacturing Information (PMI) and Form Features Part 125: CAD 3D explicit geometry (Assy) with PMI & F-F Part 130: CAD 3D Param geometry (Detail) with PMI & F-F Part 135: CAD 3D Param (Assy) with PMI & F-F REL : Release prEN9300 DRAFT : In preparation : Comments received answers/update in progress FINAL REV. Q3/09 BALLOT : Sent for ballot by ASD & AIA : planned data TBD Parts Part 20: Preservation Pln Part 19: TDB Part 18: Validation Part 17: Audits Part 16: Test Suites Part 1: Common Overview Part 3: Fundamentals and concepts Part 2: Requirements (V1) – V2 in ballot Basic Parts Part 8: Security ? Part 7: Terms and references Part 5: Authentication and Verification Part 6: Functional Architecture Part 9: Certification ? Part 4: Methods Q1 2010
Technical Working Groups Family Family 100 series Family 200 series Family 300 series Family 400 series In-work New Considered LEGEND = Part 20 Pres. Planning Sean Barker Part 9 Certification Sean Barker Part 8 Security Sean Barker Part 120v1 CAD PMI Rick Zuray UCS-WG R. Zuray UDA-WG J. Delaunay Part 120v2 CAD PMI Rick Zuray CAD 3D Light Visualization JY. Delaunay? Part 200 PDM F&C C. New /H. Byzio Part 210 As-Designed Cecil/Henrich Part 220 As-Planned Cecil/Henrich Part 300 Composite F&C R. Murrish Part 400 Wire Harness F&C TBA UCS = Unicode String UDA = User Defined Attributes F&C= Fundamentals & Concepts NIST Work D. Cheney AP242 LOTAR Members Supporting Projects
Budget Plan and New Membership Form Complete 2.Unicode String and User Defined Attribute POC plans 3.Test Case Model Library on TeamSpace 4.LOTAR Charter Rev A complete 5.Project Plates for 3D Composite Design, Visualization & Security projects. 6.ASME/ISO 2009/2010 std mapping and gap analysis SOW started (Tasks 1-3) 7.Website online and functioning 8.Part 120V1 POC Results 9.Part 120V2 POC Testing starts 10.LOTAR PSC Bi-Annual report out 11.AP242 Working Team Kick off Meeting -3-5 pm Europe time 12.ASME/ISO 2009/2010 std mapping and gap analysis SOW started (Tasks 4&5 13.Pilot definition for the part 210 ( 14.Part 120v1 Ready for ballot 15.Part 120V2 Validation process complete RP updated 16.Preservation Planning std Part 20 ready for ballot 17.LOTAR PSC Bi-Annual report out – Year end report and next year budget/plan proposal Jan Feb Mar Apr May JunJulAug Sep Oct Nov Dec 02/ /14 3 LOTAR High Level Deliverables 07/ / / / / / / / / / / / /30 17
Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 WP1 : Development of Basic parts Structure (P001) Requirements (P002-V1)Requirements (P002-V2) Fundamentals and concepts (P003) Methods (P004) Authentification (P005) Functional architecture (P006) Terms and references (P007-V1 )Terms and references (P007 V2) Security (008) Certification (P009) WP2 : Development of Common Parts Process: Overview (P010) Process: Data Preparation (P011) Process: Ingest (P012) Process: Archival Storage (P013) Process: Retrieval (P014) Process: Removal (P015) Test Suites ? (P017) Preservation Planning (P20) Audits ? (P018) WP3: Developmentof Data Domain Specific Parts CAD geometry: fundamentals & concepts (P100 version 1) CAD 3D geometry (P110) CAD Assembly Structure (P115) CAD 3D geometry with GD&T (P120 V.1) - "Polyline" CAD 3D geometry with GD&T (P120 V.2) - "Full Explicit representation" 3D Light visualization Product Data Managt.: F&C (200) Product Data Managt.: (210) Product Data Managt.: (220) PDM data... (230) Composite Fund. & concepts (300) CAD 3D Composite Design (310) Electrical systems: fund. & concepts (400) CAD 3D Electrical harness design (410) WP4:Implementation of Pilot Projects Airbus, Snecma, Dassault-Aviation,..., Boeing, Gulfstream, L-Martin, Spirit, … WP5:Development of L-T Archiving Rec. Practices PMI Recommended Practice UCS GDT/PMI Report Rev I UCS Process Document UDA RP MetaAttributes WP6: Harmonization AIA, ASD, ProSTEP iViP, PDES Inc, IAQG, Project AP242, VDA, ISO, … WP7:Communication FAA, EASA, ISO, IT vendors Forums, Website... LEGEND: Published Standard Ballotted Standard Draft Std in-Ballot Draft Std in-Work Proposed Standard
LOTAR Website
Accomplishments in the Last Six Months Restructured our project management process and organizational structure. Completed and released a membership charter document. Completed test model library which will be used for all test case scenarios. Started work on Part 120V2 – Full semantic representation and presentation of Geometry and PMI entities. Synchronizing work with AP242 PMI Team. Composite sub team kicked off at the March offsite and had their 1 st breakout session during our June offsite Started mapping /gap analysis of ASME Y and new ISO draft PMI symbols to STEP Standards and STEP Recommended Practices. Completed POC testing on Part 120v1, the final results will be included in the standard and it will be put out for ballot review in October. Developed Website that will be turned on December 2010 Kicking off the proposal of LTA of 3D Light Visualization sub team during the September offsite.
We have achieved a coordinated effort among AIA, ASD-STAN, PDES Inc., and ProSTEP. This effort is aimed at a harmonized and consistent set of open standards. As a result long term archiving and retrieval will provide capabilities for product definition, data exchange and interoperability. Summary
Rick ZURAY LOTAR International co-chair Technical Principal Virtual Eng Adv. Technologies The Boeing Company Office: (425) Mobile: (206) Mail to: Jean-Yves DELAUNAY LOTAR International co-chair CAD-PDM Information Interoperability EMSA – Process Architect Airbus Office: (33) (0) Mobile: (33) (0) Mail to: