A look at using ICT to teach photography to students
Why does my child needs art education?
Trends and Issues Trends Issues Quality Arts education focus Students work/live in a largely digital world Social Media Podcast Instruction Digital media not seen as ‘art’ in primary schools Access to sufficient amount of appropriate ICT equipment
Using ICT as a tool for learning enables students to: Efficiently and effectively access digital information to assist with investigating issues, solving problems and decision making Produce creative solutions to support learning and develop new understandings in areas of learning Communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global environments Understand the legal, ethical and health and safety implications of using ICT and their responsibilities as users and developers Develop new thinking and learning skills to support learning (Department of Education - Western Australia, 2011)
Important messages emerging from a decade of international reports indicate that: Creativity is the new key economic driver for international competitiveness The required skill set for the new workforce includes creativity as a fundamental The arts are the curriculum area that has creativity as core The role of the arts in education has been considered more tangential than central Current provisions for visual education appear not to match the direction of education, economic and social policy.
A great application to get students to be creative through photography Simple to take or use existing photographs to manipulate and change to suit the students requirements Pixlr-O-Matic iPhone app
Photo sharing website FlickrFlickr is a great tool for sharing photographs between students, classes, schools, home and the world.
Some of the photography podcasts available Types of podcasting Technical/Conceptual Reflecting/Responding
Educational benefits of podcasting podcasting.html
‘First We See’ The centrality of visuacy for Australian Students Preparing teachers The potential for partnerships A visual education research agenda
Digital media not seen as art in primary schools Technologies such as computers and digital cameras characterize less of visual education learning experiences for students at responding primary schools compared to their secondary counterparts. (Davis, 2008)
Lack of ICT resources Four projects will help teachers and school leaders to better use ICT in the classroom: Teaching Teachers for the Future Led by Education Services Australia ICT in Everyday Learning: Teacher Online Toolkit Led by Education Services Australia Anywhere Anytime Teacher Professional Learning Led by the NSW Department of Education and Communities Leading ICT in Learning Led by Principals Australia
Schools preparing an ICT plan need to understand: their overall strategic plan, including its vision, objectives and priorities for teaching and learning their administrative needs the opportunities offered by ICT for supporting and improving teaching, learning and school administration the strategic priorities and policies of the school system or sector to which they belong their current level of readiness against the appropriate ICT planning framework the financial, human and other resources available to them. (Australian Government, 2011) Preparing the school ICT plan
Sample lessons Fryer, (2008)
Conclusion The Arts are not just a fill in lesson, and ICT can be used to help rectify the inclusion of the arts in the classroom Although there are ICT shortages within some schools, there a lot of strategic government plans in place to help schools create their own ICT strategy
Resources Australian Government. (2011, January 1). Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Retrieved from Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: ents/ICTStratPlanGuide.pdf Australian Government. (2011, January 1). Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Retrieved Sepember 16, 2011, from The ICT Innovation Fund: CTInnovationFund.aspx Autodesk Inc. (2011, 12-August). iTunes. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from iTunes: Chambers, R. (2009, 1-January). ICT Across the Curriculum. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from Using technologies in the classroom: Cole, K. (2003, 1-January). Big Learning. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from Big Learning: Davis, D. D. (2008, 1-October). Australia Council for the Arts. Retrieved 2011, 14-September from Australia Council for the Arts Resources: Department of Education - Western Australia. (2011, 1-January). Western Australia Department of Education. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from Resourcing the Curriculum:
Resources Fryer, W. A. (2008, 1-January). Integating ICT into the classroom. Retrieved 2011, 12- September from Integrating ICT into the classroom: Fryer, W. A. (2010, 1-June). Moving at the Speed of Creativity. Retrieved September from Moving at the Speed of Creativity: Grosset, P. (1999, 1-January). Take Better Photos. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from Take Better Photos: Marie, N. (2010, 24-April). YouTube. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from YouTube: O'Reilly Media Inc. (2011, 1-January). Top Ten Digital Photography Tips. Retrieved September from O'Reilly Media: Saga, L. R. (2009, 22-October). YouTube. Retrieved 2011, 12-September from YouTube: The Queensland Performing Arts Centre, the Australia Council for the Arts 2005 and the Queensland University of Technology. (200,5 1-January). Australia Council for the Arts. Retrieved 2011, 14-September from Australia Council for the Arts Resources: _the_arts.pdf _the_arts.pdf Please note: All dates that only had the copyright year, I included a reference date of January 1 of that year.