You can run, but you can’t hide… The vigilantes, law, and Montana.
Why do we have laws and courts?
Let’s do this ourselves ● Created courts with judges and record keepers. ● Also elected sheriffs to enforce laws.
Trails were “spectacles.” ● Carried out on Sundays. ● With little to do, everyone shows up.
Henry Plummer- Elected Sheriff of Bannack. Leader of a secret group who robbed stagecoaches and committed murder.
Vigilantes ● After a murder trial a group decided that the local government was corrupt. The vigilantes were formed. ●Were responsible for hangings in Montana gold territories.
Helena hanging tree.
Homework: Two paragraphs. ●Vigilante committees were created to combat crime in Montana. Why are these comities both good and bad? ●Do you think communities should form their own vigilante committees today ?