T AKE HOME EXAM African Studies 19 March 2015
FORMAT Choose 5 out of 6 questions to answer. Each answer should be 1-2 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing) Deadline: Thursday 26 April at 4 pm (16.00) How to submit: Upload your paper in the Student Portal in the “Submission of Mid-Term Exam” (see column to the left on course webpage). Your name should be stated in the file name but not in the actual document. All exams will go through automatic plagiarism control
FORMAT The questions are designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the course literature by summarizing and discussing general themes and draw on specific examples from the course literature. You may write in either English or Swedish No question only refers to a single book or article Be as specific as you can when referencing – state pager number whenever possible
R EFERENCES Use in-text citations when you quote the literature, according to the following format: As Reid argues, Britain was not initially intent on acquiring coastal colonies but “… it was prepared to become involved in local politics in order to protect commercial interests” (Reid 2012:39). If you cite other sources than the course literature, make sure to include them in the list of references in the back of your responses. All references should be written in the following format: Book : Bourdieu, P Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Article: Mamdani, Mbembe Notes on the Postcolony. Africa: Journal of the International African Institute 62 (1): 3-37 Book chapter: Thorsen, D Junior-senior linkages. Youngsters' perceptions of migration in rural Burkina Faso. In Cultures of Migration. African Perspectives, ed. H. P. Hahn & G. Klute, Berlin: Lit Verlag.
QUESTIONS 1. What different political and economic incentives and ideological understandings underpinned the transatlantic slave trade on behalf of both Africans and Europeans? 2. What processes or phenomena have triggered the growth of autochthony claims (i.e. claims to belonging to the local soil), and what have been the stakes/objectives behind these claims? Discuss at least two different examples. 3. What are the ideological and religious roots of European understandings of Africa and Africans, and how did they change across the eras of the slave trade and colonization? 4. Describe at least two different examples of African (i.e. non-European) nationalism and state-building in pre-colonial and/or colonial times, and relate these to Terence Ranger’s writings on the “invention of tradition” in Africa. 5. Discuss the theoretical, practical and ethical challenges that have faced and continue to face the discipline of African Studies, and relate these to possible ways to tackle these challenges and bring about positive change. 6. Describe one major challenge and one major strength of modern day African states and discuss the historical roots of each.
Questions about the questions? State your concern in the Student Portal’s Discussion Forum entitled ”Mid-Term Exam” If you have trouble uploading your document in the Student Portal, it to me Written exam instructions + exam questions are found in the Student Portal file ”course material” Exam results will be available on 16 April at latest Re-exam in late April
N EXT WEEK Visit to Nordic Africa Institute Library: What themes and countries/regions are you interested in? Meet at 4.50 pm (16.50) outside main entrance (doors lock at 5pm) Visit will take 45 minutes Afterwards we gather in our usual lecture hall (2- k1028) for a brief mid-term seminar/course evaluation
A UTOCHTHONY AND CAPITALISM : THE SEESAW OF MOBILITY (N YAMNJOH + G ESCHIERE ) Political liberalisation and global capitalism spurring counter-reactions of boundary-making and exclusion Vagueness of autochthony claims make them vulnerable to political manipulation Visible across the world since late 1980s Article focuses on Southwest Cameroon