Your monologue It will be a script that will include an introduction. The introduction will include the following: 1.The character you will be performing 2.The setting of the monologue 3.What is the conflict (who or what are they talking about) It will only be a few sentences long.
Example Intro In this monologue, I am playing Gail. She is in her home waiting for Wes to come back from the sheriff’s office. This takes place right after the men try to break Frank out of the basement. Everyone has left and she is alone talking about her feelings about this whole situation. You will begin your monologue with your introduction, take a second to “get into character” and then begin your performance. Your time begins the moment you begin your introduction.
More monologue info It will be 3-5 minutes long (I will cut you off after 5 so you need to practice) It is about a small moment in time for this character; think of it as a snapshot. You are telling a tiny little story This is NOT a summary of the character’s life You need to have stage directions in the script: how will they move, speak, range of emotions. In does not need a neat ending; nothing needs to be resolved; Duos: you are not acting with each other; you will be speaking to the audience and telling us your version of the same story; you will need to create a script where the two of your go back and forth with this story throughout the performance
Extras You may use your script; print out a version that is double spaced with a large readable font Glue, tape or staple this script to BLACK paper and practice using it You don’t need a costume; wearing all black is a good idea You can use props, but make sure to bring these to school (no weapons) and practice with these. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You will not end your piece with “that’s it, I’m done.” You will simply stop talking and bow your head to indicate you are done.