The Economy of the 1920s Boom or Bust?
Golden 20s Gross National Product up by 40% Corporations grew bigger and concluded mergers Generally prosperous time period Solid relationship between government and businesses
Automobile Boom Pervasive effect on all aspects of American Life Prices low enough for many to buy Assembly line and high wages for workers Ripple effect: –Steel, Rubber, Glass, Gas, Highways, motels –Growth of suburbs
Farming/Agriculture Weak spot of the era WWI: Gov’t told farmers to produce –Borrowed money to increase production –During war: Profits were high –After war: Prices dropped but huge debts remained No gov’t help – large farm surplus Mortgages become foreclosed McNary-Haugen Bill: attempt to increase prices of farm products (Vetoed by Coolidge) Depression hits farmers first
Stock Market Prices, 1921–32 Consumer Debt, 1920–31