What is task-based language teaching? Referenced from the book “Second Language Teaching” by David Nunan Nunan, D Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle / Thomson Learning
Overview TBLT - Theoretical/conceptual considerations A framework for TBLT Examples Syllabus design considerations A pedagogical sequence for introducing tasks
Theoretical/conceptual considerations Traditional ‘synthetic’ approaches Different parts of the language are taught separately and step by step so that acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation of parts until the whole structure of language has been built up. (Wilkins, 1976: 2)
Theoretical/conceptual considerations Communicative ‘analytical’ approaches Prior analysis of the total language system into a set of discrete pieces of language that is a necessary precondition for the adoption of a synthetic approach is largely superfluous. … [Such approaches] are organized in terms of the purposes for which people are learning language and the kinds of language that are necessary to meet these purposes. (Wilkins, 1976: 13)
A Framework for TBLT Pedagogical tasks Rehearsal tasks Activation tasks Enabling skills Language exercises Communicative activities Real-world / target tasks Nunan, D Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle / Thomson Learning
Examples Real world task Call the airline and reconfirm a reservation you have. Check other details, such as time of departure, and time you have to be at the airport.
Examples Rehearsal task Write your resume and exchange it with another student. Study the positions available advertisements in the newspaper and find a job that would be suitable for your partner.
Examples Activation task Work with three other students. You are on a ship that is sinking. You have to swim to a nearby island. You have a waterproof container, but can only carry 20 kilos of items in it. Decide which of the following items you will take. (Remember, you can’t take more than 20 kilos with you.) (con’t)
Examples Activation task (con’t) Axe (8 kilos) Box of novels and magazines (3 kilos) Cans of food (500 grams each) Packets of sugar, flour, rice, powdered milk, coffee, tea. (Each packet weighs 500 grams) Bottles of water (1.5 kilos each) Medical kit (2 kilos.) Short-wave radio (12 kilos) Portable CD player and CDs (4 kilos.) Firelighting kits (500 grams each) Rope (6 kilos). Notebook computer (3.5 kilos) Waterproof sheets of fabric (3 kilos each.)
Examples Enabling skills Teach vocabulary Comedies, horror films, action movies, romances, thrillers, dramas Teach structures What kind of movies do you like? I like_____________. Do you like__________? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Examples Language exercise Fill in the blanks with these words: boring, romance, Annie McDowell, Chocolate and Roses _______ is a terrible actress. Her new movie is _______. It’s a ______, but it’s also extremely ________.
Examples Communicative activity Find someone who …. Likes Doesn’t like Thrillers…….…… Comedies…….…… Romances…….…… Action movies…….……
Syllabus design considerations TasksMacrofunctionsMicrofunctionsGrammar Look at the map. You are at the hotel. Ask your partner directions to the bank. You are having a party. Tell your partner how to get from the school to your home. Exchanging goods and services Asking for and giving directions Wh-questions. Imperatives
TasksMacrofunctionsMicrofunctions Grammar Role play. You are in a clothing store and have $150 to spend. Look at the clothing items on the worksheet. Find out the prices, and decide what to buy. Exchanging goods and services Asking about and stating prices How much / how many Yes/no questions Listen to the automated ticketing service for ‘What’s on around town this weekend’. Make a list of movies, and concerts and how much they cost. Work with three other students and decide where to go. Group work discussion and decision-making task. Look at a set of ‘to let’ ads., and decide on the most suitable place to rent. Syllabus design considerations
A target task Group work discussion and decision making task. Look at a set of ‘to let’ ads., and decide on the most suitable place to rent.
A pedagogical sequence for introducing tasks Step 1 Step 1 Create a number of schema building tasks that introduce initial vocabulary, language and context for the task. Example Look at newspaper advertisements for renting accommodation. Identify key words (written as abbreviations), and match people with accommodation.
Step 2 Give learners controlled practice in the target language vocabulary, structures and functions. Example Listen to a model conversation between two people discussing accommodation options and practice the conversation. Practice again using information from the ads. In step 1. Step 2
Step 3 Give learners authentic listening practice. Example Listen to several native speakers inquiring about accommodation and match the conversations with newspaper ads. Step 3
Principles of TBLT - Scaffolding Scaffolding Lessons and materials should provide supporting frameworks within which the learning takes place. At the beginning of the learning process, learners should not be expected to produce language that has not been explicitly taught.
Task dependency Within a lesson, one task should grow out of, and build upon the ones that have gone before. Recycling Recycling language maximizes opportunities for learning and activates the ‘organic’ learning principle. Principles of TBLT - Task dependency - Recycling
Active learning Learners learn best by actively using the language they are learning. Integration Learners should be taught in ways that make clear the relationships between grammatical form, communicative function, and semantic meaning. Principles of TBLT - Active learning - Integration
Reproduction to creation In reproductive tasks, learners reproduce language models provided by the teacher, the textbook or the tape. These tasks are designed to give learners mastery of form, meaning and function, and provide a basis for creative tasks. In creative tasks, learners are recombining familiar elements in novel ways. Principles of TBLT - Reproduction to creation
Reflection Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned and how well they are doing. Principles of TBLT - Reflection
Lesson Planning 6/12/201624
Find the sample lesson plan in the Content Standards. What are the four parts of the lesson? A Content Standards Sample
Presenting information clearly and in an organized manner Uses learner centered activities Beginning class on time Integrating SCANS strategies Displaying objectives Planning lessons based on learner goals and needs assessment Teaching in an environment comfortable for learning Lesson Implementation Includes:
The Parts of a Lesson 6/12/201627
Motivation …introduces the topic …creates a need for the new language 6/12/201628
Warm-Up: Small talk, announcements, “How was your weekend? What did you do?” Review: “What did we learn to do last time? Did you try it at work / at the store / at your children’s school? How did it go?” Introduce the topic: “Today we are learning to understand medicine labels.” Ask learners about their own experiences: “Do you take medicine?” “ Where do you buy medicine?” Techniques for Motivation
Activate knowledge learners already have on the topic: –Pictures Have groups look at a picture of a medicine chest or a pharmacy and list all the things they see. Have groups of learners make a list of all the medicine names they can think of. –Lists Have groups make a list of everything in their medicine chest. Have groups make a list of illnesses or symptoms (“Are you sick? Do you have a health problem? Write a list of problems. What is one health problem?” (give examples: cold, cough, headache, etc.) More Motivators
Warm Up and Motivation should take up about 15% of your class time. The teacher and students both talk in this segment. Adding It Up
Application of New Material …introduces the new competency, vocabulary, structure and other material …is the basis of the lesson …isn’t explaining 6/12/2016
“Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” --- E. M. Forster What’s Wrong with Explaining?
Pass around realia (authentic materials and items): medicine bottles or packages (empty!), over the counter and prescription Find out what learners can already say: “What is the difference between this medicine (over the counter) and this one (prescription)?” “What’s inside this bottle?” (pills) “This one?” (cough syrup) “What do we take this for?” Techniques for Application
Vocabulary: elicit first. If students cannot give the vocabulary word, provide it: “What’s the word for one time a day?” (once) “For two times a day?” (twice) “What does dosage mean?”, etc. Structure: Act out a conversation you’ve made up. Play both roles. “How often do I take this?” “Take two pills every four hours.” “How often do children take this?” “Take one pill every four hours.”, etc. More Application Techniques
Presentation of new material should take up about 15% of your class time. The teacher does most of the talking in this segment. Adding It Up
Creating …gets learners using the new language in controlled circumstances …is the core of the lesson 6/12/201637
Scripted speaking practice: –In pairs, have learners practice conversations about medicines from your textbook or one you have made up. –Provide prompts to change the conversation. –Students should practice it with several different sets of vocabulary or circumstances Oral drills: Teacher: Take this medicine every 3 hours. Twice a day Student: Take this medicine twice a day. Techniques for Creating
Scripted writing practice: Use authentic medicine labels. Students use the labels to fill in: For adults, take __________ every __________. Exercises in the workbook, or other written exercises, are controlled practice too. Games for Controlled Practice: 20 Questions, Jeopardy, Tic-Tac-Toe, Find Someone Who, etc.
Controlled practice of the new material should take up about % of your class time The students do almost all of the talking in this segment. Adding It Up
Creating …gets students using the new language for their own real reasons …is the reason for the lesson 6/12/201641
Application is not scripted, and it relates to students’ own real lives. Speaking: –Role Play: have pairs of students compose their own conversation using the ones from Practice as models. –For speaking practice, don’t have them write it. Have volunteers perform for the class. –Project-Based: students get information and compile it, e.g. in a jigsaw activity –Group decision-making: groups choose one of three medicines for a sick person, then tell the class why Techniques for Creating
Writing: –Have students write an original conversation using the ones from Practice as models. –Have groups look at a picture in the text or from a magazine and write a conversation between people in the picture (e.g. of a doctor and patient, or pharmacist and customer) –Have students write for a real task: write a summary of medicines they have taken for a family medical history file. Games and Simulations: –Role plays with no time to prepare
Creating real-life practice of the new material should take up about 25 – 35 % of your class time. The students do all of the talking in this segment. Assignment of homework and a wrap-up should follow. Adding It Up
Evaluation, formal or informal, to see what may need to be re-presented or practiced more Assignment of homework What Else is Needed?