Western Balkans Climate Resilience Workshop, Vienna, 11 – 12 May 2016
Climate policy is a cross-cutting issue Both “climate-specific” and “climate- relevant” capacities are needed The most complex challenge: developing capacity in climate-relevant areas Quantitative targets require a high level of capacity
Climate Change Mitigation Act – promulgated in March 2014 Third National Action Plan on Climate Change (2013 – 2020) Related Acts – Energy Act; Renewable Energy Act; Energy Efficiency Act; Clean Ambient Air Act; Forestry Act; Local Government and Local Administration Act; Spatial Planning Act; Agricultural Land Protection Act; Waste Management Act; Statistics Act; Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide Act; Corporate Income Tax Act; Personal Income Tax Law. Secondary legislation
A dopted in March Main objectives: - to ensure the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions - long-term planning of measures for climate change adaptation The Minister of Environment and Water is the competent authority for the overall implementation of the government policy on climate change mitigation. Sectoral integration of the CC policy
. MOEW Implements the national CC Policy both at international and EU level, Executive Environment Agency Responsible for National inventory, National registry, issuance of permits Relevant sectorial institutions
Art.12 of the CC Mitigation Act defines the responsibilities of all competent authorities They have to - ensure the necessary expert and technical capacity; - participate in the inventory elaboration; - participate in the technical meetings with the international teams of the Secretariat of UNFCCC The corresponding National System also for GHG emissions projections
Art. 3, paragraph 4, Climate Change Mitigation Act Advisory body to assist the Minister of Environment and Water in conducting the overall national climate change policy – development and implementation of legislation, measures, procedures, mechanisms, etc. Representatives from: ◦ Governmental sector (ministries, agencies) ◦ National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria ◦ Regional governmental authorities ◦ Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ◦ NGOs Members and rules of the Council are approved by Order of the Minister of Environment and Water
Established by Order of the Minister of Environment and Water (regulated by Art. 9 of the CC Act – adaptation and Art.8 (3) – National mitigation plan) Consists of deputy ministers and experts from the competent ministries and agencies Operational body to ensure policy integration and mainstreaming
Two- phased approach in developing NAS Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of the economy sectors – a profound analysis is being elaborated Elaborations of measures in every sector
First Phase on Mainstreaming of Environmental Policy and Climate Change Policy: Guidelines on Mainstreaming of Environmental Policy and Climate Change Policy in CP, CAP and CFP Funds (approved by protocol decision under point 7 of the Protocol № 8 of the Council of Ministers meeting on March 1, 2013) Second Phase on Mainstreaming of Environmental Policy and Climate Change Policy: Guidelines on Mainstreaming of Environmental Policy and Climate Change Policy into European Structural and Investment Funds - Phase “Implementation of the Partnership Agreement and Programmes for the period 2014 – 2020” (approved by Council of Ministers Decision № 3 of 6 January 2016) 20% of the EU budget for 2014 – 2020 must be allocated to financing climate change activities Recognized by the European Commission as a Best practice in EU
Boryana Kamenova Director Climate Change Policy Directorate Ministry of Environment and Water of Republic of Bulgaria