CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE 1.Careers Pathologist – examines, specimens of body tissue, fluids, & secretions to diagnose disease or determine cause of death. Must complete medical school & additional specialized training
Medical Technologist (Clinical Laboratory Scientist) – responsible for performing clinical laboratory tests & analyzing the results using independent judgment
Phlebotomist – draws blood Medical Lab technician – preparation of tissue slides, analysis of blood samples
Associated terminology Hematology – study of the formed elements of blood & blood forming tissues Pathogens – microorganisms that produce disease Histology – study of tissue
–Microorganisms – life forms can only be seen through a microscope
–Immunology – study of how blood cells prevent diseases caused by microorganisms
LIFE SCIENCE General information Life scientists or researchers study living organisms & life processes Many opportunities in research & development in health care Masters or doctoral level
Specific careers Microbiologist – study bacteria, algae, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause disease or may be used to prevent it
Virologist Specialize in researching the method by which viruses infect cells and cause disease. More recently, they have helped develop viruses that are used to transport & manipulate genetic material.
Biochemist – analyzes the effects of hormones, enzymes, serums, & food on tissues & organs Life Scientist – responsible for developing new drugs, methods of treatment, & new methods of environmental protection
Radiography –Radiologic technologists(Radiographers) 2 year program most common Responsibilities – administer radiopaque dye (media) Radiation exposure – monitored by Film Badge worn by individuals & Federal government regulates exposure
Radiologist Imaging professional who is a medical doctor, reads and interprets xrays, mammograms, & other tests done in radiology
Nuclear Medicine technologist (NMT) performs brain, thyroid, lung & bone scans (involving radioactive medium)
Ultrasound technologist –(Medical sonographer) – utilizes sound waves to produce 2-dimensional images of internal organs (ultrasounds)
Related imaging personnel 1.Physicist – assist physicians with care of patients, equipment selection, quality control, teaching & radiation safety
2. Medical dosimetrist - calculate & plan radiation doses to treat cancer
3. Electrocardiograph technician (EKG) – minimal amount of training – attaches electrodes to patient to test action of the heart
1.Echocardiography 2.Electroencephalograph technician (EEG) – measures electrical activity of brain
1. Dietary technician completes a 2 yr. program – duties include planning menus & supervising the production of food
2. Nutritionist – counsels about proper foods to eat (trying to lose weight & general health)
3. Dietician – requires a bachelor’s degree, provides nutrition counseling for patients
4. Weight Reduction specialist – counsels obese patients using dietary & activity guidelines
Environmental control 1. Environmental engineer – modify facilities for environmental protection(insect & rodent control) proper disposal of radioactive wastes. Recommendation of equipment to meet standards set by government agencies.
1.Health & regulatory inspectors – enforce laws & regulations concerning employment hazards. Regulate consumer products (food, drugs, cosmetics)
Sanitarian Sets & enforces standards concerning food, sewage & waste disposal. Plan, develop & execute environmental health programs
OTHER SUPPORT PERSONNEL 1.Biomedical equipment technician – works on medical equipment 2.Ecosystems (ecology)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – federal agency responsible for setting & regulating the standards for the environment
Central Service Technician duties include sterilizing, assembling & cleaning diagnostic & surgical equipment
Diseases & conditions linked to environment –Emphysema – lung condition worsened by air pollution –Lead poisoning – caused by paints & gasoline additives – now regulated by government –Carbon monoxide poisoning – –Lung Cancer
*auto exhaust, aerosol sprays, painting materials contributed to thinning of ozone layer
BT09.04 BIOTECHNOLOGY CAREERS & GENETICS A. Biotechnologist – 1..Development of cloning & recombinant DNA techniques of gene manipulation – caused the emerging of the field of biotechnology in the early 1980’s
Safety guidelines established by the National Institutes of Health Laminar flow hoods to vent & filter air Strict sterilization due to use of microorganisms Careful planning to ensure all microorganisms are harmless
Biotechnology rapidly making complex advances Over 1000 biotech companies in U.S. Most working in diagnostics & therapeutics Ethical concerns related to eugenics – control of human characteristics (faulty genes or selecting favorable traits)
Fields of study 1.Medical biotechnologist – works with the production of antibodies for diagnosis or treatment of disease 2.Research biotechnologist – alters the cells of living things to discover & improve genetic traits 3.Forensics – aids in solving crimes 4.Geneticist – counsels couples regarding inherited genes
C. Support Personnel Biomedical engineer – designs instruments & machines that are used to monitor & treat disease Biomedical equipment technician – inspects & repairs equipment used in health care