The Use Of Technology PDA’S By JACK ALI
PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant which involves a distinct characteristic of a touch screen. The main use of PDA is a personal planner. The PAD can be used by a nurse. The nurse may use a PDA as a drug calculator for (proper dosage), to organize their patients, drug dictionary which notifies the nurse as what drug would be proper to use in that specific situation. The main advantage of the PDA to a nurse is the portability that accompanies a PDA. For the doctors, they use the PDA to complete similar tasks as the nurses except in their PDA they have Artificial Intelligence which guides them to prescribes the correct medicine and treatment.
In a school setting professors can use a PDA to organize information keep lecture notes manage his/her files check s check students grades file management and a PDA synchronizes with your computer which allows it to transfers files which is better than copy & paste. They can also be very useful for large business. Basically a PDA can hold a lot information.
In a business its good for the employees because they can easily accesses the from the manager or other colleagues. It can also help the manager to keep the business information in it and use it to plan his business goals and motives. This is the disadvantages that a business or any other user can get Small screen Slow use of internet Slow processing Sensitive screen; you need to learn the appropriate way to interact with the PDA. For an example, the characters are written in a disciplined manner which hinders the completion of tasks. The impact of PDA on society. There is not much because mainly people who are working and travelling use them to send and receive and other things most people use phones for calls and texting
Now days they have developed into portable computers rather than personal planers. The various different tasks that can be completed are; checking , surfing the internet, creating work documents (Word, Excel etc.), using it as a media tool while still maintaining the functions of a typical cell phone. Video, Mp3, radio, text messaging can all be sent virtually anywhere using connection to the internet. Software can also be downloaded that personalizes the PDA to the user's needs.
The use of networks. A network is a collection of computers connected enabling them to communicate with each other. The network allows computers to communicate with each other and share resources and information How they can be used to store information. You can store information which can be accessed by any other computer in that network. The impact they have in business and society The impact they can have in a school are you can log on any where on any computer and that’s the same for the business. The impact on society is they all go on MSN or Facebook and Bebo to share files and communicate with each other. How have they developed They have become easy to use and they connect quicker and the use of satellite radio or microwaves to provide links, network cards