Main results from UNSD-UNECE survey on 2010 Census Programme Paolo Valente United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division
Nature of survey: 1.World wide (UNSD + Regional Comm.) 2.Info. on practices for 2010 census round 3.Different countries at different stages 4.50 UNECE countries plus 4 others 5.Similar survey conducted by UNECE after 2000 census round
Census methodology Methods adopted in 2010 round: * Countries that used more than one method and did not define the main method Traditional census: 36 countries (incl. 4 non-ECE) Register-based census: 12 countries Other (registers + other source): 5 countries Rolling census: 1 country
Census methodology Comparison with 2000 round: Main method 2010 census round Main method 2000 census round TraditionalRegisterRollingOther* Traditional Register 0300 Rolling 0000 Other* 0203 * Countries that used more than one method and did not define the main method
Census methodology Conclusions: 1.Most countries use same method 2.Traditional census most common 3.Move away from traditional for several countries 4.Increasing number of countries adopt multiple enumeration methods
Census on line: 1.Offered in 16 countries in 2010 round 2.Offered in 5 countries in 2000 round 3.Testing: improved quality; cost savings; public perception 4.Pick-up rate: significant but less than 20% will use
Census costs: 1.Register cheapest (direct costs only) 2.Traditional more expensive 3.See Table 4 for PPP comparison for 2000 & 2010
Census testing and evaluation: 1.All traditional census do test or dress rehearsal 2.Nearly all do a census evaluation 3.38 countries reported doing PES 4.Wide sample size variation – from less than 1% to 10% or more
Data processing: 1.Less reliance on manual data entry 2.Only 5 countries use PDA 3.OMR, OCR & to lesser extent ICR are widely used 4.Imputation of data values & sometimes whole records
Data dissemination: 1.Paper publications still popular 2.Web widely used 3.GIS mapping tools used by majority 4.Most countries charge for individual data requests
Conclusion 1.Survey shows interesting summary changes 2.Significant changes are occuring in census taking 3.Drivers for change: costs, quality, technology 4.Many exciting papers about these changes to be presented at this meeting 5.Expanded report on results of survey to be produced