Understand the principles of basic table setting and meal service. FN /4/2010
Tableware or Table Appointments Any item used for serving and eating food.
Classifications of Tableware Dinnerware Plates, cups, saucers and bowls.
China – appropriate for formal dining Most expensive & formal dinnerware.
Classifications of Tableware Flatware “silverware” includes knives, forks and spoons.
Classifications of Tableware Beverageware Glassware Tumblers stemware
Classifications of Tableware Holloware Bowls and tureens, which are used to serve food, and pitchers and pots, which are used to serve liquids.
Table Linens Table Coverings Napkins
Centerpieces Flower arrangements are popular. Should be proportion to the size of the table.
Place Setting or Cover The table space that holds all the tableware needed by one person.
Table Setting
Dinnerware Placement Dinner plate should be placed in the center of the cover.
Flatware Placement Place in the order in which it will be used, working from the outside toward the plate. Left – Fork Right – Knife & Spoon
Napkins should be placed to the left of the forks.
Place knives to the right of the plate with blades facing the plate. Place spoons to the right of the knives. Place forks to the left of the plate.
Salad is eaten before the main course, place salad fork to the left of the dinner fork.
Beverage glass sits just above the tip of the dinner knife. If water glass is used, it takes that position. Put the water glass at the tip of the knife.
Meal Service You need to decide how you want to serve your meal. That will determine how your table is set.
Meal Service Depends on: Formality/informality of the meal Menu Order in which food is served Availability of help
Family Style Used most often in homes in the U.S. Serving dishes are passed to the right. Diners serve themselves as they pass the serving dishes around the table. Beverages are handed to diners. Informal napkins – paper or cloth.
Buffet Service Casual restaurant/large gatherings. Cafeterias – type of buffet where items are priced separately.. The guests serve themselves from the buffet. Dinnerware should be placed at the beginning of the serving line.
Plate Service Used in restaurants. Flatware and beverage ware on table. Food portioned onto plate in kitchen and served to diners. (more formal) Serving dishes not needed.
Russian/Continental Service Predominately used in fine restaurants. Food portioned in kitchen and served. No serving dishes used, table cleared after each course. Flatware is course specific and may be numerous. Highly formal meal.