The PNR Pinnacle Award submittal package must be submitted electronically using the attached template. Complete a submittal package for each project that you have registered. Please submit all electronic files as PDF files via (if less than 10 MB per file and/or per ) to: OR, via electronic file sharing platforms (e.g. Hightail, or Dropbox), OR, using an FTP site. Be sure to mark “PNR Pinnacle Award” in the subject Submissions are due May 12, 2016 INSTRUCTIONS: Modify this template to include photos, charts,mages, data and narrative as identified on each ppt slide. Duplicate slides if necessary. Downsize all photos to 72 dpi screen resolution. Remove this checklist from your final submittal package. Save and submit as a PDF. Qualifications: Educational facilities that include early childhood learning environments (including Head Start); public, private, and parochial elementary, middle/junior high, and high schools; alternative schools (i.e., charter schools, magnet schools, vocational/technical schools, and at-risk schools); and other innovative learning centers (i.e., museum schools, environmental learning centers, and high-tech learning environments). Projects may include new construction, additions, and renovations/modernizations. Master plans, including multiple sites and/or multiple phases, are eligible. Submissions of conceptual or in-design projects are encouraged for exhibit; however, hypothetical or projects not yet complete are NOT eligible for the Pinnacle Award. Projects completed within the past two years are eligible for the awards programs. Projects will not be accepted from firms or school districts affiliated with a jury member. Scoring Criteria: A distinguished jury representing both design and educational professionals will review entries. They will have sole discretion in selecting entries that best represent exemplary practice in educational facilities design and planning. All awards or other special recognition will be awarded at their discretion. All decisions are final. The jury reviews projects based on the following criteria: 25Community Environment 25Physical Environment 25Learning Environment Pacific Northwest Region 2016 Pinnacle Award Package Instructions and Checklist
Project Name City, State/Prov. School Type Construction Type Submitting Firm 2016 Pinnacle Award
Signature Photo Photo Caption: Signature Photo - 10" wide landscape layout, preferably in color, graphic scale not required.
Project Narrative Project Narrative - The project narrative should clearly address the scoring criteria of; community environment, physical environment and learning environment To be eligible for consideration for The Pinnacle Award, the following minimum submission parameters must be met: Project narrative, using minimum 11 point size Arial font, and must at minimum include: Written synopsis of the project word maximum. Describe the clients’ goals and program, and how the design solution meets the goals Describe how the project contributed and responded to the unique nature of its surrounding community Describe the features of the project that enhance the ability of the planet to support all life. Describe how the facility can easily adapt to changing education delivery
Project Details 1. Project Name 2. District Name 3. City/State or Prov. 4. Superintendent 5. Occupancy Date 6. Grades Housed 7. Design Capacity (# of students) 8. Site Size (acres) 9. Gross Area (Sq. Ft.) 10. Space per Pupil (Gross) Design Build (Y/N)? If yes, Total Costs If yes, Cost Include: If no, Site Development Costs If no, Construction Costs If no, FFE If no, Other: If no, Total Cost
Project Data: (Confidential Information) Submitting Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Joint Partner Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Other Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Construction Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone
Site Plan Photo Caption:
Floor Plan Photo Caption: Floor Plan - Base floor plan with site plan background; indicate section cut and exterior elevation, with appropriate room titles, color, grayscale, or black and white line art.
Building Section and Exterior Elevations Photo Caption: Building Section - Include room titles, color, grayscale, or black and white line art. Exterior Building Elevation - color, grayscale, or black and white line art.
Photo #2 Photo Caption: can submit up to 8 addition photos (exterior photos, interior photos, concept graphics, perspectives, models, etc.)
Photo Caption: Photo #3
Photo Caption: Photo #4
Photo Caption: Photo #5
Photo Caption: Photo #6
Photo Caption: Photo #7
Photo Caption: Photo #8
Photo Release: (Return SIGNED copy with your submittal) Print, Sign, Scan and Submit with Package Name of Project: Location of Project: A4LE has our permission to: Send photos electronically to jury members (required for entry). Display photos in the award winners’ area of the website, if selected as a finalist. Display photos on other sections of the website as representative A4LE projects. Print photos in A4LE newsletters. Print photos on A4LE marketing materials, i.e. brochures, awards, call for entries, etc. Print photos and project details in the A4LE Design Portfolio, if selected as a finalist. Special projects with prior permission. Please Note: A4LE maintains an in-house archive of school designs as part of our research library. Your information will be entered and recorded as one of those designs. Firm: Responsible Party/Photographer: Signature: Date of Release: