BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF RADIO CHRISTIAN VOICE Radio Christian Voice, Zambia's first independent radio station, began broadcasting to central and southern Africa on shortwave in December 1994, with the mandate to reach people with the Good news of Jesus Christ. Radio Christian Voice is currently covering over 4 Million listeners along the line of rail from Livingstone to Chililabombwe 24 hours a day. Since its inception, the station has become a leader in providing quality programming that is contemporary and relevant to its vibrant audience, consisting mainly of people of years age group. Four million listeners (both women and men) Proportion of women sources: 35 percent; The Station currently has thirty-six employees: 22 men and 14 women; Radio Christian Voice has been part of the COE process for two years and four months. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
KEY GENDER CHALLENGES IN THE MEDIA HOUSE Decisions made by the Radio Station’s management have to be approved by Cape Town office (CVC) before any duties or activities are executed. Lusaka office can not implement some activities without the consent of Cape town office. This in a way delays certain activities that needed to kickoff immediately; Equal opportunity is not yet clearly defined and articulated in employment adverts, but with the gender policy the organisation adopted this year, the station intends to improve in this area; Radio Christian Voice has not yet initiated in- house training programmes to redress gender imbalances, again this is an area management is working on to ensure staff are trained in- house in an effort to enhance knowledge on gender equality; (budget constraints); A few members of staff who still have misconceptions about gender equality or justice are yet to be sensitised on the importance of the subject; GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
GENDER CHAMPIONS Radio Christian Voice currently has three gender champions namely: Joyce Mwanza, Miriam Ndibali and Racheal Kalapa and their positions are as follows in order of appearance of names as in above External Relations Co- ordinator/Presenter, Marketing Assistant/Presenter, News Journalist/Presenter GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
GENDER CHAMPIONS The gender champions have helped in sensitising the menfolk at Radio Christian Voice on the importance of participating in key national events such as the International Women’s Day, sixteen days of activism against gender based violence activities etc; Through various programmes produced by presenters/producers, hard news on gender issues included in News bulletins, News Features on gender issues (these vary in duration but they are usually nine to 12 minutes long), production team produce clinics (jingles) on gender justice and equality; The Champions also participate in key national discussions/conferences whose deliberations border around gender issues. Thereafter, information gathered is shared among fellow workmates to ensure staff is moving at the same pace. For instance, information exchanged during Gender links meetings, information gathered from the Ministry of Gender meetings (or any other gathering of gender topic participants) is also a tool to help Champions push the COE process by way of sharing the information and finding ways on how best it can be implemented in the station’s gender mainstreaming programmes; The Champions also suggest panellists to discuss gender topics on phone-in programmes by liaising with actual programme presenters, for instance Chat back (weekday) or Community Forum (Saturday) GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? Management is still establising possible ways of implementing/executing certain activities without necessarily having to wait for approval from the Cape Town office; Sometimes change comes with its own setbacks making it a bit difficult for people to adapt. However, a number of changes have been taken note of especially after the gender policy was put in place and staff is slowly beginning to understand the importance of being a COE; Management has pledged to be committed to ensuring that gender mainstreaming through the development and implementation of gender employment and editorial policies are upheld; Staff members are mindful of the gestures they make or the language used to avoid stereotyping; GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? Like mentioned before, we have programmes that specifically tackle a topic on gender issues on a given slot; Gender is slowly being regarded as a beat in the newsroom, and this is to allow field reporters come back with hard news items on gender as well as news interviews etc Other departments such as production, administration and marketing are also adapting the change by virtue of being a COE. Specific practices and campaigns: with the budget constraints faced at the moment, certain objectives may not be executed soon. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? Radio Christian Voice has not put in place a specific gender programme but uses other means of airing the issues through Chat-back, Community Forum, news and some clinics (jingles) Budgets: Due to constraints the organisation has faced recently, Radio Christian Voice has not yet put in place a budget to mainstream gender activities. However, the station strives to make a difference too, hence initiates programmes that in a way, provide resources/finances for gender activities; Monitoring and Evaluation: not yet achieved targeted goal but making headway in that Radio Christian Voice has been monitoring the number of stories and features produced (on gender issues monthly) including activities the staff participates in e.g. Ploughing back into the communities once or twice in a quarter. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
HOW IS THE MEDIA HOUSE CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE 28 TARGETS OF THE SADC PROTOCOL? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! PROTOCOL TARGETCOUNCIL ACTIONS Gender equality and presentationThe radio station continues to sensitise the public on making informed decision to ensure that at least 50% decision- making positions are held by women in both private and public sectors Marriage and family issuesThe radio station through some of its programmes, does promote discussions on the importance of upholding family and marriage values as well as marriage vows HIV/AIDS and healthThe radio station is committed to disseminating information on challenges faced by people on ARTs, as a way of finding solutions to some problems by various stakeholders.
HOW IS THE MEDIA HOUSE CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE 28 TARGETS OF THE SADC PROTOCOL? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! PROTOCOL TARGETCOUNCIL ACTIONS Cont/d health and HIVAIDSThe station also attaches importance to issues of maternal mortality Persons living with disability and the underprivileged The station ploughs back to the community by rendering support to vulnerable people in society and those living with disabilities
IMPACT The Ministry of Gender, the Zambia Police, NGOs such as the Women for Change, NGOCC, and a number of organisations that are spearheading gender issues can attest of the fact that Radio Christian Voice has been able to open its doors and offer a slot for gender issues to be discussed either on Chat-back, Community Forum or News-hour. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
CHANGING LIVES Lady Kathy Banda-Short has shared information on some of the experiences she underwent in an abusive marriage (subjected to physical and emotional violence for many years). After interviewing her for an ‘I’ story, it was observed that she is open to share with others her experiences in an effort to help womenfolk bring out the real secrets that lie behind the closed doors in abusive homes. She can now speak on behalf of other women who are still being oppressed in their marriages. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
CHALLENGES TO GENDER MAINSTREAMING Understaffed – less manpower has contributed immensely in that there is no independent presenter to broadcast a gender programme on gender issues; A few individuals have shown interest in issues of gender equality and justice at workplace; Inadequate budget – this has resulted in the station not providing enough resources to enable gender mainstreaming activities run without disruption; Unforeseen circumstances – future. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!
WAY FORWARD Despite the financial setback, Radio Christian Voice is committed to ensuring that gender mainstreaming is upheld in an effort to observe gender equality and justice thus being able to attain the SADC gender protocol by 2015; The station will ensure establish an effective gender committee composed of a representative from all the departments namely the Human Resource, Editorial, IT/Technical, Production and Marketing to ensure Gender mainstreaming is implemented effectively. GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST!