May 12,
Open Discussion 2
Kenny DeBerg has been added to the committee as a logistics representative. If you are a logistics person and would like to be added to his list please contact him at 3
Ensure Agency Administrators through chain of command are notified of any individuals admitted to the hospital. 4
Objectives: o Review Standard SOP o Review FAQs o Review Process for Renting a Vehicle through Enterprise Review On-Line Process for Renting a Vehicle through Enterprise o How to “Preposition” vehicles o All documents can be found on the Great Basin Incident Business Page at 5
Changes for 2015: o Vehicle class recommendation for line-going personnel o Long term assignment account options o Enterprise – Addition of online reservation web links for both direct billing (government-issued charge card) or central billing o Added language on pre-use inspections and post-use inspections o Clarified how damages are documented/processed o Incident Pool Vehicles shall maintain a log of operator use and log of damages for each vehicle on a daily basis. Forward to payment center contact and file a copy in the Logs documentation. 6
Great Basin Rental Car Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) o New document. Will reside on the GBIB website. o Living document. Submit suggested changes and/or additions to GBIB representative. o Includes roadside assistance numbers for Enterprise and Hertz. 7
Government-Issued Charge Card Reserve online (Enterprise only) Contact nearest rental agency No Government-Issued Charge Card o Dispatch or other authorized official will: Reserve online (Enterprise only) Contact nearest rental agency Rental car MUST be authorized on the resource order for both options. 8
3 Points of Contact for the Great Basin: o Utah – Lee Ann Evans o Idaho – Carol Salo o Nevada – Brenda DeBerg If there is an anticipated need for rental cars greater than the existing inventory (i.e., predicted lightning, multiple fires, etc.), contact the appropriate representative from above and a “heads up” request will be provided to the rental car agency. 9
The Great Basin Lend/Lease Policy is an effective and efficient way of managing resources that are either unavailable or where incidents only need resources for a limited time expediently. GBCG Correspondence: This informal agreement between incidents is to share assigned resources for a limited period of time. Lend/ Lease should not exceed 48 hours. 10
Roles and Responsibilities o Plans, Operations and Aviation Will coordinate amongst affected incidents on resources shared/lent. Ensure Lend/Lease does not exceed 48 hours. If lend/lease exceeds 48 hours discussion regarding re-assignment of the resource should occur through appropriate channels. o Finance Finance Section Chiefs will coordinate to ensure costs are included in the receiving incident database as a line item, not actual posted time. E-ISuite entry Will read “resource loan from incident xx.” The original incident will post time using the Fire Code from the receiving fire. The receiving incident will mark the line item to “exclude” as accrual (accrual will be determined via the sending incident data base). All standard documentation (excess shift lengths, CA-1, etc.) will be completed by the receiving incident and sent to the sending incident. Provide resources used on multiple incidents a copy of the spreadsheet identifying the lend/lease. This document authorizes the charges and serves as supporting documentation in lieu of the resource order. Document on invoice or OF-288 “Lend/Lease Authorized.” 11
Roles and Responsibilities o Dispatch ROSS should not be impacted by the lend/lease program. Copies of the spreadsheet showing movement of resources will be provided to dispatch daily after the event has occurred o Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) Coordinate with National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) when call when needed (CWN) aircraft are involved. o Incident Business Advisor Ensure the Great Basin Lend/Lease Policy documentation occurs when sharing resources. Review spreadsheets and ensure the Dispatch Center Manager or designee has received a copy o Area Command Coordinate with GMAC Coordinator when resources are being lent or reassigned. 12
General: o Length of assignment will not be affected by lend/lease, all days count towards the original assignment length. o Lend/Lease contract resources previously inspected by the sending unit should not be re-inspected by the receiving unit. o Lend/Lease does not impact those resources hired as “Incident Only” or on a Dispatch Priority List (DPL). If resources are re- assigned discussions should occur to ensure policies are met. Reassignment of Resources: o Incidents, Area Command and GMAC will follow normal dispatch procedures for the reassignment of resources. 13
Documentation: o Copies of the spreadsheet will be maintained in both the sending and receiving finance section packages. o Copies will also be maintained by the local dispatch center. o Send a copy with the payment package 14
Tickler List Meals Lodging Transportation Excess Baggage Medical 15
2015 GB Supplement Hazard Pay/Environmental Differential Documentation Staging/Guaranteed Hours Lodging/Meal Support for ADs OWCP o Use of Medical Trailers Paperwork and Payment Needs o OWCP Guide Travel/Transportation Cost Comparisons 16
This applies to Staging and Mobilization Centers 17
Services received from care givers in on scene medical trailers still require appropriate workers compensation paperwork. o Provides the firefighter with documentation of injury and treatment o Work related prescriptions should be documented on appropriate documents 20
2015 GB Supplement Fuel Tenders and Fuel Invoices VIPR Update 21
New Solicitations Misc. Heavy Equipment (feller buncher, mulcher/masticator, road grader, skidder) – Chippers Potable & Gray Water Truck/Handwashing Station (Trailer Mounted) Vehicle with Driver Roll Over Mods Fuel Tenders Water Handling Weed Wash Unit Fallers – Heavy Equipment with Water (pumper cat, skidgine, soft tract) Mechanic with Service Truck Heavy Equipment – (dozer, tractor plow, excavator, transport) Refrigerated Trailers 23
National Contracts are not currently available on the Forest Service national contracting web page. If you have an operational need for the information previously made available through this site, you may send an request for these documents to FS AQM ISB or contact your incident business representative. Airtankers Crew Carrier Buses Firefighter Crews Type 2-IA Fire Retardant Helicopters - CWN Helicopters - Excl. Use Mobile Food Services Mobile Shower Facilities 24
D Government Furnished Hose and Complements o When the Government requires the Contractor to leave Contractor- owned hose and/or complements on an incident, the Government will provide the Contractor with Form AD-107 Report of Transfer of Property (or equivalent) to transfer the Contractor’s property to the Government. o In the case of reassignments, the Contractor shall present the form to the supply unit at the incident who will loan the Contractor Government-furnished hose and/or complement. This will be done to ensure that the Contractor maintains viability (the ability to continue operations) at the reassigned incident. At the time of demobilization to the Designated Dispatch Point, all accountable/durable property shall be returned to the government. o If the resource is being demobilized, no government hose or complement is issued. The Contractor may present a signed AD-107 form and a receipt for their Contractor- owned hose and complements left during performance of the work to the Incident Procurement Unit Leader or Contracting Officer. The amount of reimbursement will be negotiated and may be paid as an adjustment to the invoice. 26
Must be approved by the IC and/or Safety Officer prior to use on the incident (GBCG Correspondence: 2014-#10 ) Order Form – New! o Specs to assist buying team/procurement personnel o Approval on form Inspection Form – New! 27
Considerations when deciding how to house an IMT Date and Time Needed Location of ICP Duration of the incident Electricity/generators Size of camp Weather Cost per square foot of office space Maintenance Set up/Take down 30
It is the wildland fire agencies policy to make reasonable accommodation to known physical or mental limitations of qualified applicants for employment and employees with disabilities unless such an accommodation would impose an undue hardship. This determination for the reasonable accommodation is made on a case by case basis and considers the nature of the accommodation and cost of the accommodation. Typical accommodations made for wildland firefighters are meals and lodging. All other reasonable accommodations must be approved by the employees home unit with prior approval of the incident agency in consultation with the appropriate agency reasonable accommodations coordinator. 31
Meals o The National Mobile Food Services Contract allows for special meals Reference C.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, 1.1 Scope of Contract, ….The expectation and desired result of this contract is to provide appetizing, nutritional, well balanced hot and special meals, sack lunches, hot and cold can meals and supplemental items. Lodging o Personnel who have reasonable needs (e.g. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine) may be approved lodging while assigned to an incident. Considerations are location of incident and availability of lodging, on site capability to plug in CPAP apparatus. o Approval process – employee must identify the need prior to accepting the assignment to ensure the agency’s ability to accommodate. o For incidents where there is no National Mobile Food Service unit available, individuals making the purchase for the special accommodation should document their charge cards appropriately. 32
Previous Webinar Recording is posted to the GB IB Website Language included in Chapter 20 to assist with the development of Land Use Agreements o Temporary rental of property for emergency incident purposes requires an exceptional degree of good business judgment, including reasonable price determinations, and may only be negotiated by a warranted Contracting Officer operating within their warranted authority. In making the determinations as to price fairness, consideration should be given but not limited to the following items: (found in Chapter 20 and the IIBMH Toolkit) 33
2015 GB Supplement Cache Demob Specialist o Impacts to Incident Agency OF-289 and Great Basin Attachment 34
2015 GB Supplement 36
New Format for 2015 Finance Chief Expectation Letter Appendix A – Agency Contacts Several new Appendices added All other Appendices can be found at
2015 GB Supplement o Pay o Travel o Acquisition o Cooperators o EMS Nevada Business License Update IDL EMS Agreements 39
2015 GB Supplement 2015 Cost Calculator 40
What you Need to know What you Need to do Benefits of e-ISuite Best Business Practices Review of the Program itself will occur tomorrow! 41
Finance Conference Calls Finance Narratives 2015 FS Incident Finance Payment Processes GB Incident Business Website Update Finance Training Needs Analysis Helpful Positions….. ICPI 42
Objectives of Call Agenda (create one) o Current Activity o New Business o Issues o Round Robin Call Information o 3 rd Wednesday of the month (June – September) o / P
Large Fire Cost Reviews o An Interagency Large Fire Cost Review will be conducted when an incident (single fire or complex) meets or exceeds Federal combined expenditures of $10 million. (Redbook, CH11) or… o The predicted time to achieve the fire management objective exceeds 21 days; o There are significant political, social, natural resource, or policy concerns; o There are significant and complicated cost-share or multi-jurisdictional issues; o The affected agency requests a review. BLM FIAT Large Fire Reviews o BLM will implement suppression reviews where sage grouse habitat has been impacted. Trigger points are being developed. 44
Mentoring Program o Great Basin Incident Business Committee will formalize the process fall 2015 o Great Basin FSCs have been asked to utilize trainees when possible during the 2015 season. 2016 National Incident Business Meeting 45
For All You Do! 46