OVERVIEW: Northwest Fire Rescue (NWFR) manages and operates Onoway Regional Fire services, comprised of 2 fire stations located in Alberta Beach and Onoway. NWFR primarily works in the oil and gas industry providing fire, medical, H2S, safety, wildfire, training and rescue services to private corporations and municipalities using fully NFPA accredited firefighters and ACP certified medics.
STAFFING NWFR Currently employs 6 Career Fire Service Officers, 10 Paid on call Certified municipal firefighters, and 20 Part time industrial firefighters. Most firefighters employed by NWFR are cross-trained as Emergency Medical Responders.
WHAT WE DO: Canada’s Only Private Hybrid Municipal / Industrial Fire Department Oilfield Fire Sentry / Fracs / Squeezes Supplied Air Operations / Man Watch Industrial Safety Watch and Services Wildland / Industrial / Urban Interface Fire and Safety Training Oilfield / Industrial Medical Standby Industrial Emergency Response Mutual aid agreements within the industry
UPSTEAM FIRE SAFETY Industrial Fire units equipped with ANSI approved Decontamination units. Units manned by 2 NFPA 1001 level 2, NFPA 472 HAZMAT Operations certified firefighters Firefighters are trained on the specific units they will be using in addition to their internationally certified fire and decontamination accreditations. Firefighters on sentry rotate through pump operator and firefighter positions, ensuring a minimum of 1 firefighter outside the apparatus in full PPE (including SCBA) at all times.
MEDICAL STANDBY NWFR guarantees that every medical unit on assignment will be manned by at least 1 Alberta College of Paramedics (ACP) Certified Emergency Medical Responder (EMR). All Medical Treatment Centers (MTC’s) are outfitted with roll protection and we are one of the few companies who carry an Exemption permit from Alberta Transportation that allows our MTC’s to legally transport patients. Units typically are on standby during Drilling, Frac, Pipeline, Construction and turnaround projects but are also utilized in community events.
SUPPLIED AIR OPERATIONS NWFR provides high and low pressure air units with 10 cascade bottles in each trailer. A minimum of 1 Firefighter with H2S alive and H2S operations training is capable of performing rescue, man watch during hazardous work, air monitoring, onsite orientations and SCBA bottle re-fills. Air units may also be equipped with an OTIS continuous air monitoring system capable of remotely detecting the presence of H2S throughout the job.
PRE-INCIDENT PLANNING Drafting of in-depth well thought out Pre- Plans for municipal and industrial facilities. The creation of such plans is done by experienced professionals certified in Pre- Incident planning. Plans will create a more efficient response to an incident and relieve the time, stress and pressure of creating one yourself. NWFR specialists are ready and willing to help develop pre-plans in collaboration with your department or discuss mutual aid partnership goals.
EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAMS (ERT’S) Northwest provides ERT’s to industrial facilities with the use of certified high or low angle rescue equipment and qualified NFPA 1006 Rope Rescue Technicians and Operators. Many of these individuals have vast amounts of knowledge and experience in pre-incident planning as well as industrial facilities and hazards associated with them.
DECONTAMINATION AND HAZMAT RESPONSE NWFR Fire and Decontamination units respond to Hazardous materials incidents on Alberta highways and on Canadian Railways. Responding with industry partners, Northwest Fire responds with specialized HAZMAT Technicians as fire support and Decontamination Logistics. NWFR personnel have experience with train derailments, highway accidents as well as on location spills.
TRAINING DIVISION Northwest Fire Rescue and Training is currently hosting internationally certified NFPA 1001 training to firefighters across Alberta. First aid, H2S Alive, WHIMIS, TDG, ICS 100 and Enriched Fire Extinguisher training are among the many other educational courses Northwest Fire has to offer. NWFR also offers on or off site annual competency reviews for NFPA 1001 and NFPA 1081 certified firefighters.
THE COURAGE TO GO IN, THE KNOWLEDGE TO GET BACK OUT The dedicated individuals at Northwest Fire Rescue and Training take pride in everything they do. Whatever it may be that you need, you will find a team that is honest, respectful and willing to go the distance to satisfy your needs. Thank you for your time, we will see you in the field. Play safe out there.
Contact Us 24 Hour Dispatch: FIRE (3473) Main Operations Centre: Phone: Main Operations Address: 4111 Industrial Ave Onoway, AB T0E 1V0 Administration Centre: Phone: Fax: Mailing Address: Box 1550 Onoway, Alberta T0E 1V0