Active Circuit Design 2 EE4314/ET4204 Dr Colin Fitzpatrick E2-011
Objective Follow on from Active Circuits 1. Extending existing knowledge to analyse and design new circuit building blocks with particular emphasis on the operational amplifier.
Syllabus Overview Differential Amplifiers (Wk 1-2) Op amp characteristics (Wk 2-3) Op amp linear applications (Wk 3-5) Feedback (Wk 6) Op amp non-linear applications (Wk 7-9) Low frequency response (Wk 10) Analogue Signal Conversion (Wk 11-12)
Recommended Texts & Information Neaman, “Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design”, Irwin, Most Analogue Electronics Books in the Library Internet
Lectures & Other Info Lecture Monday 4-5 (EM-010) Lecture Wednesday 9-10 (ERB-006) Lecture Friday 3-4 (EM010) –This one will not run every week Lab Tuesday (A2-011) (starts week 2) Notes are available from the print room
Module Assessment Lab (25%) Presentation (10%) Terminal Exam (65%)
Labs Attendance is compulsary All circuits must be built and simulated following the instructions in the notes Reports are due in one week after the lab is completed The report should contain –Objective –Short overview of topic –Procedure and circuit diagrams –Results (measured & simulated) –Discussion and conclusion
Presentation 5 minute PowerPoint presentation on a specified topic to be delivered during tutorials Starting in approximately Week 6 Will be marked on –Quality of the slides –Quality of the communication –Knowledge of the topic