Elements of Plot
Plot There are 5 elements of plot that form that form the plot of a story When you hear the word plot, how would you define it?
Plot The timeline of events that make up a story (like a short story, fiction novel, plays, etc.) There are 5 pieces to the plot of a story:
Exposition Exposition (Piece #1) Background information that sets the scene for the story; the beginning of the story Provides the reader with information that is helpful to understanding the story
Rising Action Rising Action (Piece #2) The first main events of the current story (after the background information is given) Events that lead up to the climax of the story
Climax Climax (Piece #3) The turning point of the story The main event that determines the outcome of the story (how the story will end)
Falling Action Falling Action (Piece #4) Events that occur after the climax of the story The story is beginning to come to a close
Resolution Resolution (Piece #5) The conclusion Shows/tells how the story and all of the conflicts within the story come to an end
Plot Development Chart
Now, let’s practice! Using the plot development chart on the back of this notesheet, you will practice identifying elements of plot in a children’s story that you know well (think Disney movies, fairy tales, fables, etc.). You and your partner need to choose a story, complete the chart, and be prepared to share your chart with the class!