Nipping Male Organ Pain in the Bud - Simple Solutions for Banishing Blue Balls By John Dugan.


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Presentation transcript:

Nipping Male Organ Pain in the Bud - Simple Solutions for Banishing Blue Balls By John Dugan

In a perfect world, the mere suggestion of intimacy would lead to an intense workout that left both partners feeling spent, sated and fulfilled. There are times, however, when intimacy is interrupted for one reason or another. The man's brain may be ready to comply with the order to stop work, but the man's body might still hold out hope that something wonderful will happen. In extreme cases, a man can develop a sore male organ and a persistent case of blue balls. While the condition certainly isn't fatal, it's also just not fun. There are a few male organ care techniques that can make the problem fade away.male organ care

Understanding the Cause While developing an in-depth knowledge of male organ anatomy won't help men to cure their discomfort, it might be helpful to know that blue balls develop due to very healthy, and very useful, natural processes. When a man is presented with a suggestive stimulus, his brain prepares for intimacy by sending a significant amount of blood directly to the vital body part. Meanwhile, the veins that would usually carry that blood away close off and shut down. It's this phenomenon that allows for tumescence to form, as trapped blood allows the male tissues to stiffen and harden. Much of that blood remains in the male organ, but it also pools in the surrounding areas.

This blood is designed to stay in place until a man reaches release. At that point, his brain releases chemicals that tell the veins to open up, allowing all of that blood to leave the area and let the tissues relax to their normal, flaccid state. If that signal of release never arrives, however, that blood may become trapped, and as it loses oxygen, it begins to turn blue – thus leading to the mythical condition affectionately known as “blue balls.”

Blue Myths All of this is normal, natural and easy to understand, but few medical textbooks discuss the phenomenon, and the topic rarely crops up during anatomy courses. As a result, men have been allowed to form their own opinions about blue balls, and much of the information they share is just inaccurate. For example, it's often said that blue balls can be catastrophic to a man's fertility and health, leading to clot formation and/or tissue death. It might be a convenient excuse to cite when a partner needs coaxing to continue a intimacy act, but it's also just not true. In time, the blood will leave the area, and a man won't be harmed at all.

Moving Past the Pain The quickest way to soothe male organ pain due to blue balls is also the most obvious: Men can simply engage in a little private time until they come to their own pleasure response. Men who can't make that happen may find relief through: Distraction. Thinking about things that have nothing to do with intimacy can convince the brain that the time for play has passed. Exercise. Stretching the muscles can entice the brain to shift needed blood from the male organ to other areas of the body. Deep breathing. Slow and steady breathing can also serve to convince the brain that intimacy time is over.

Elevating the hips and feet. Blood is a fluid, and it's subject to the rules of gravity. Putting the hips up a little higher can entice that liquid to slide downhill to the head, rather than pooling in areas in which it's not wanted. Icing. Holding a cold or frozen object close to the abdomen stimulates the blood to rush to the core of the body in order to keep it warm; as the blood leaves the pelvic area, things should return to normal

Everyday Care for the Manhood In order to ensure that the male organ is ready for action, daily care is needed. Men can treat their male organ right by keeping it clean, eating right, and drinking plenty of water. In addition, applying a moisturizing male organ creme can help to keep the package in top-notch condition. While a male organ health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can't ameliorate male organ pain due to blue balls, a product like this can make the male organ a bit more sensitive and responsive, so a man can achieve bliss more easily. Men who use products like this might find it easier to release their blue balls pain, or they may not ever develop the condition in the first place, as action might always equal intense pleasure.male organ health creme