Chandler Elementary November 4- November 6 5 th Grade Camp Meeting
Camp Forms All forms are due by September 21, Students will not be allowed on the bus unless all paperwork is turned in to their homeroom teacher.
Camp Payments September 25- Student Payment $ or 1 of 2 payments of $97.50 October 23- Chaperone Payment of $ and final student payment of $97.50.
Who will be going to Sky Ranch? All fifth grade teachers, Mrs. Blair/Mrs.Abboud, Mrs. Smith and Nurse Patterson All fifth graders who plan to attend. Parent Chaperones
What if a student is not attending Sky Ranch? Students who are not attending Sky Ranch will be required to attend school. If they are not present, they will be counted absent. Students will participate in alternative activities at Chandler.
Where is Camp?
Cabins, and Pictures, and Directions, Oh My! Directions to Sky Ranch Cabin Pictures and Floor Plans Outdoor Education Video by Sky Ranch Directions to Sky Ranch Cabin Pictures and Floor Plans Outdoor Education Video by Sky Ranch
What should I bring? Sky Ranch Packing List-Click on the "What To Bring" Tab
The Morning of Wednesday… Students will bring their luggage to the gym between 7:30 and 8:00. They should remain in the gym until it is time for us to leave. The 5 th grade teachers will be in the gym to pass out packets that will include their Sky Ranch journal, cabin assignment and day group assignment for Sky Ranch.
Sample Schedule
Day Classes and Activities Chandler students will be participating in 4 classes… Fishing: Let your students discover the fun of fishing while they learn basic fishing skills such as hook safety, how to tie knots, casting, and what type of bait works best for different fish. They will also identify some of the fish located in East Texas such as bass, catfish, sunfish, and carp. With any luck, they may even catch a few! Forces in Nature Explore the Forces in Nature which shape our Environment. Learn about gravity and friction while using our four story zip line. Discover gases and pressure during the building and launching of air rockets. Take a one hour nature hike and observe the real life effects of weathering agents, erosion, and deposition on the landscape. Sky Ranch Expeditions Become a part of an expedition team exploring terrestrial ecology. Travel to Sky Ranch Expeditions’ base camp to learn about animal characteristics, animal behavior, anatomy, physiology and taxonomy. Observe live animals such as a boa constrictor, green iguana, sugar gliders, ferrets, tarantula, hedgehog, and many others. Discover predator/prey relationships, habitats, food web, and learned and inherited traits. Travel into the woods and meadows of Sky Ranch to collect insects and study forest dynamics including carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, ecological niche, plant succession, and tree rings. Native Americans Traveling back in time, your students will become young braves and squaws in our tribe. They will learn skills which will make them assets as members of our tribes. These skills will include hunting with bows and arrows, cooking as the grind corn and make corn cakes to be cooked over a re, how Native Americans stored food and water so they make pottery, and how the tribe made re for cooking and warmth. This class is a great hands-on class and your students will not only learn, but have fun while they are learning.
Day and Evening Activities Ga-Ga Ball, Snack Bar with GREAT Shakes! Jumping Pillow, Recreational Time, and Zip Line! Click Here to See Some of the Day Activities and Facilities
Our Return We will arrive back at school around 2:30 pm on Friday, Nov. 6 th. Please park on the west side of the building to pick up your child. Students are not encouraged to ride the bus due to their luggage and sleeping bags. Please do not take your child unless you sign him/her out through their homeroom teacher.