The Central purchasing in Bulgaria: Current status and prospective TAIEX Seminar 9-10 December 2015 Ivanina Beleva Director of the Central Purchasing Body Ministry of Finance, Bulgaria
Established in 2010 with a Decision of the Council of Ministers CPB – a directorate of the Ministry of Finance The directorate “Central Finance and Contracts Unit” implements the functions of Central Purchasing Body Legal basis
Council of Ministers Decree No.112/2010 Procurement (purchase) of services and supplies Paper (white and recycled) Stationery Toners for printers and copy machines Provision of air-tickets Purchase of fuel with e-cards Cleaning services Users: central public administration/ ministries and agencies Scope of central purchasing
Activities performed by CPB Collection of information about users’ demand Developing technical specifications Preparation of tender documents Launching open tender procedures Carrying out tender evaluations Signing Framework Agreements with the economic operators CPB: scope of activities
CPB users - Contracting Authorities from the central public administration Provide information to CPB about their demand Re-open mini-competitions among the selected FWC Conduct mini-competitions Award specific contracts Receive services and supplies Execute payments Contracting Authorities
Development of TS Developed by CPB based on demand of CAs and market analysis Quantities in the Framework Agreement: based on the needs of Contracting Authorities Tender evaluation CPB organizes the tender evaluations of the proposals received Evaluation Committee: representatives of CPB and CAs Regular communication during implementation Interaction between CPB and CAs CPB Contracting Authorities
Central Purchasing Body: signed 30 Framework agreements for supplies and services Ministries/ CAs: Awarded specific contracts under the framework agreements: Total 141,5 million BGN Volume of CPB purchases ( )
FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS FWC BUDGET (in BGN) Framework Agreement for stationery2,200,000 Framework Agreement for envelopes/ headed paper480,000 Framework Agreement for recycled office paper2,400,000 Framework Agreement for white copy paper820,000 Printer and fax papers160,000 Framework Agreement -cleaning services2,600,000 Framework Agreement - toner cassettes (HP)2,000,000 Framework Agreement - toner cassettes (lot 2)2,000,000 Framework Agreement - toner cassettes (lot 3)312,000 Framework Agreement - fuel for cars 35,000,000 TOTAL47,972,000 Volume of New CPB framework agreements (2015)
Reduced administrative burden for CAs Saving time and efforts of the administration Fast procedure: shortening period for award of contracts Reduction of prices Increased transparency Benefits of central purchasing
National Strategy for the public procurement sector in Bulgaria in the period E-platform for central purchasing Increased scope of services/ supplies of CPB Increased number of users of CPB Institutional strengthening of CPB CPB – to become a separate administrative structure Prospective of Central Purchasing
Draft submitted to CoM (November 2015) Extension of the products and services Supplies: cars, office equipment, IT and standard office software Services: postage and courier services, maintenance of office equipment, car maintenance. Extended network of public institutions: 17 ministries must use CPB (Mandatory) 57 new* public administrations must use CPB (Mandatory) 9 new* public administrations may use CPB (Optional) SEVOP is introduced and is mandatory NEW Regulation for CBP in Bulgaria
SEVOP – software for electronic procurement developed in 2014 specifically for the needs of the Central Procurement Body Registration in SEVOP: requires qualified e-signature Financed under Operational Programme “Administrative capacity” with the financial support of ESF E-platform SEVOP
Main roles in SEVOP Role: Central Purchasing Body Role: Contracting Authority Role: Economic Operator Main SEVOP administrator: (CPB) E-platform SEVOP
Collect/ submit info about clients’ needs Develop technical specifications Develop tender documents Launch open tender procedures electronically Receive offers electronically Evaluate offers electronically Launch mini-competitions among selected Framework Contractors Archive complete Tender Dossiers Statistics MAIN FUNCTIONS of SEVOP
Calendar of events is organised in the system The System is “managed” by the calendar The System sends e-messages or reminders to all participants involved in a procedure E-platform SEVOP
SEVOP maintains integrity and security No access to offers before deadlines Offers opened simultaneously on deadline Offers ranked automatically according to the evaluation criteria SEVOP ensures increased transparency of the procurement process E-PLATFORM SEVOP
First electronic open tender procedure: successfully completed in SEVOP by CPB in summer of 2015 Supply of toners in 3 lots: (total 1001 items in TS) -Launched electronically in July Tenders received electronically: August Evaluated electronically (August/ September2015) -Award Decision: end of September Framework Agreements signed – November 2015 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT in SEVOP
Advantages: Quick and easy Saves time for the civil servants Saves time for the economic operators No mistakes in financial offers Transparency and confidentiality maintained WHY ELECTRONIC PURCHASING
for your kind attention! Ivanina Beleva, Director of CPB, Ministry of Finance THANK YOU