MODELLING SPOT PRICE OF ELECTRICITY IN NSW Hilary Green with Nino Kordzakhia and Ruben Thoplan 15th International Conference Computing in Economics and Finance University of Technology, Sydney, Australia University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Wednesday 15 July, 2009
Data NEMCCO (managed the Australian National Electricity Market until July ) AEMO Half Hourly data for year 2005 to 2008 (NSW only) Daily averages for year 2005 to 2008
Volatility Mean Reversion SeasonalitySpike
Characteristics of Spot Price 1. Seasonality 2. Mean Reversion 3. Volatility 4. Spikes 5. Residuals Statistical Model
Previous work
Spot Price differs by Month, Day and Time of day Lower Prices on public holidays and weekends. Highest prices in June Highest prices between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm
Highest Mean Prices Lowest Volatility
Methods 1. Obtain a seasonal model 2. Identify spikes in de-seasonalised data 3. Fit an exponential decay function to spikes 4. Time series analysis on residuals from step 3 5. Distribution of final residuals
Seasonal Analysis (Mon – Thurs) Table 1: Periodogram Results arranged by Intensity IntensityFrequencyPeriodYearsCycles year cycle 1⅓ year cycle 1, 2 year cycle
Seasonal Analysis r 2 = 0.46
De-seasonalised Data Identify spike threshold
Fitting spikes Cluster 1 Cluster k 11 kk 11 kk
Fit the spikes is the time of occurrence of max spike in cluster k is the size of the maximum spike in cluster k, generalised pareto fits
Residuals remain autocorrelated
Time series analysis An autoregressive moving model fitted to the twice differenced Post Poisson residuals. An autoregressive moving model fitted to the twice differenced Post Poisson residuals. ARIMA(2,2,6) Ljung Box test results confirms appropriate model Ljung Box test results confirms appropriate model
ARIMA(2,2,6) Discrete-time IDPOLY model: A(q)y(t) = C(q)e(t) A(q) = q q -2 C(q) = q q q q q q q q -6 Estimated using ARMAX from twice differenced residuals (Sampling interval: 1) Loss function and FPE
Ljung Box test results of residuals from ARIMA(2,2,6) Ljung Box test results of residuals from ARIMA(2,2,6) LagFitp-valQ_StatCV 1No y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y
Residual Analysis after ARIMA
Final residuals are not normally distributed not normally distributed long tailed long tailed General hyperbolic distributions invariant to summation invariant to summation invariant to rescaling invariant to rescaling bell shaped bell shaped long tailed long tailed allow skewness allow skewness popular in financial modelling popular in financial modelling -> Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution (NIG)
Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution (NIG) The normal inverse Gaussian distribution is defined as a variance-mean mixture of a normal distribution with the Inverse Gaussian (IG) as the mixing distribution. X ~ NIG(α,β,μ,δ) if it has the following pdf: X ~ NIG(α,β,μ,δ) if it has the following pdf: μ μ : centre β, α β, α : skewness, kurtosis δ δ : scale K 1 is the modified Bessel function of third order and index 1.
Examples: Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Distribution of Final Residuals (Mon-Thurs fit)
The rest of the time
Fridays, Weekends and Public Holidays Cycles r 2 = 0.44
De-seasonalised Holiday Data
From holiday data
Final residuals are long tailed again
NIG fits the residuals from the ARMA model
Summary Used a complex process to model the various components of the Spot Price of electricity for two different weekday behaviour patterns
Future Research Forecasting Forecasting Constant lambda smoothing down parameter Constant lambda smoothing down parameter Poisson intensity time dependent Poisson intensity time dependent Include load into the model Include load into the model Pricing of Futures Pricing of Futures Descriptive models not useful Descriptive models not useful Aim to use reduced exp(AR(1)) model with filtered Poisson component to fit to Futures prices. Aim to use reduced exp(AR(1)) model with filtered Poisson component to fit to Futures prices. futures pricing tool
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