InterNEDI Cloud-based, automated data transfer High-Level Technical Overview Please advance through this presentation at your own pace... press Right Arrow Slide 1 of 11
Provenance InterNEDI has been developed by Dave Soane, who has been writing communication software since InterNEDI has been developed over a number of years, unhurriedly, with the first version being released in 1999, and further updates and improvements being released regularly since then. Features were thought about, experimented with, and fine tuned, before being added, discarded, or completely reworked. 2/11
Group User Group User File Center Super User Architecture Control History Files Company The basic InterNEDI building block is the File Center. A company has its own File Center, with a Super User, who controls who may access it, their permissions, and the groups they belong to. He also receives complete transaction history. 3/11
Linking File Centers Most importantly, companies may give users in OTHER companies controlled access to their OWN File Centres, allowing data to be transferred BETWEEN companies. 4/11
Trading Partner Network Thus a network is built up, where each company connects to its own, or its trading partners' File Centers, to distribute or gather files. Each Super User need concern himself only with the users connecting to his File Center. 5/11
A TASK is a single transaction from InterNEDI's point of view. It can be one of : Tasks File Center Send file/s Receive file/s Delete file/s User In addition, after each task an external process may be called to : Process received files Prepare further files for sending or 6/11
A SESSION may comprise any number of task files. Eg : A TASK FILE may comprise any number of tasks. Eg : Task files, Sessions Task1 : Send files to User1 on Company1’s File Centre Task2 : Receive files from Company2’s File Centre Task3 : Delete files on own company’s File Centre..... Task File 1 : Send different files to all individual users Task File 2 : Receive files from all individual users /11
Automation Task files need only be generated once, using a menu-driven utility (not a script language). Thereafter, each time a session is invoked it runs completely automatically. Results of each task are written to its task file, and can be inspected later with the same utility. Optionally, a complete history of all transactions for this user may be kept, and viewed later using a different utility. This utility also shows confirmations received, for files where confirmation was requested. For the Super User, this utility also shows the results of programs sent to be executed (download result, AND result of execution). 8/11
RequiredOptions File Center to work withAdd short comment File/s to sendAdd longer Cover Note User or Group to send toRequest confirmation of receipt Name to give file on File CenterSpecify a charge levied to receive the file Action to take if same-named file already present : (Leave it, overwrite, scrap task) Execute file if it’s a program (Super User only) Send parameters 9/11
Receive, delete parameters RequiredOptions File Center to work withScrap task if file already received previously File name to receiveDelete source file after receipt File name or path to write toAction to take if more than one such file present : (Receive them all, receive earliest, receive latest, scrap task) Receive : RequiredOptions File Center to work withOnly delete if file older than N days File name to delete Delete : 10/11
Summary Many more features exist, making a comprehensive communications system for mostly B2B applications InterNEDI is now ready to expand globally. To that end, it must either : Have a Startup created to commercialize it, or Be sold to a company that wants to get into the Cloud space, or which has communication products already, to which InterNEDI will be complementary.