Progressing Australia’s Spatial Capability: Putting you in the picture Helen Owens General Manager Office of Spatial Policy Except for images where copyright.


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Presentation transcript:

Progressing Australia’s Spatial Capability: Putting you in the picture Helen Owens General Manager Office of Spatial Policy Except for images where copyright is attributed.

Presentation Outline The new policy environment – personal reflection Update on the recent and future activities of the Office of Spatial Policy Lessons learned in trying to move the spatial industry to a linked data paradigm Where to from here…….?

New Policy Environment

ASDD Nodes (government, business, citizen) Main avenue of data exploration KML Linked data State and Territory Globes Main avenue of data provision Phase 1 - structured spatial data The Lure of Visualisation

ASDD The visualisation/delivery layer has no future or intrinsic value Without these layers The Lure of Visualisation

Citizen BusinessGovernment Mum and DadPolicy Visualisations Industry User IT/Developer/ Technology Org GIS CompanyGIS OrganisationService Provider Policy Maker Aus Globe Linked data web enabled open and accessible No visualisation Linked data web enabled open and accessible No visualisation Aus Globe Standards/Models Process Layer Design Layer Foundation Spatial Data Largest direct value to economy We need an agile suite of solutions! These crucial layers underlay any solution The Lure of Visualisation

ANZ Foundation Spatial Data Framework Making Common Foundation Spatial Data Ubiquitous Across Australia and New Zealand

FSDF Booklet Version 2 Revised governance, policy and theme description information Delivered soft copy and hard copy 10 Dataset Booklets Extended data set information Delivered soft copy Each theme will have its own dataset booklet 5 dataset templates drafted Theme and Data Set Descriptions

Modelling Within The FSDF Program Modelling – Responsibility of the FSDF program board (OSP and GA). This is aimed at delivering an overarching cross theme model for integrating datasets. Dataset Modelling – Responsibility of the Sponsor and Custodian and aimed at improving the availability, quality and efficiency of foundational datasets. Product Modelling - Responsibility of the Sponsor and Custodian and aimed at improving the derived products that can be created from an open and no cost spatial foundation.

Program Conceptual Model Marcus TBD 12 Administrative Boundaries Conceptual Model Core Definition Model RepresentationVersioningTopology

Data and Service Modelling ESRI GML WFS WMS XML Geodatabase (GML) App Schema (GML) App Schema FSDF Model Product Model XSD UML (GIS) Database PSMA ABS GeoServer Data SourceMapping File Geospatial Queries Semantic Product (OWL) RDF/XML | Source: CSIRO

Product Modelling Process Data Product Specification Supply (current state) What data sets are available? S/TAggregated Conceptual Model - Concepts - Relationships Conceptual Model - Concepts - Relationships INSPIRE + Use cases + Supply data + Future needs Link statistical data Demand What products are required? Find sub- units Traverse spatial relationships across boundary Product model What can be done now? Source: CSIRO

Relationships Within The FSDF



Where to from Here……. FSDF Website With Links to All Current FSDF Datasets Invitations to FSDF Sponsors, Custodians and Aggregators Revised Booklet 10 Dataset Descriptions Hackfest - 29 November and Locate 14 Implement Future Governance Structure

Where are we? THEME MileStones Develop use-casesAs-is analysisTo-be requirementsGap Analysis Data Product Specification Product ImplementationValidation and Testing GeoCoded Addressing Administrative Boundaries Transport Water Positioning Elevation & Bathy Imagery Place Names Land Parcel and property Land Cover In progress Complete

Aims by April 2014 THEME MileStones Develop use-casesAs-is analysisTo-be requirementsGap Analysis Data Product Specification Product ImplementationValidation and Testing GeoCoded Addressing Administrative Boundaries Transport Water Positioning Elevation & Bathy Imagery Place Names Land Parcel and property Land Cover In progress Complete

Ongoing Governance Structure

Roadblocks to Progress Highly restrictive licensing, access and pricing models for key jurisdictional data sets - policy the lack of an identified specific funding stream for the creation and sustainment of national spatial data sets and supporting infrastructure the absence of a single point of national leadership for a SDI development in Australia leading edge, but stove-piped and often duplicated, information infrastructures being developed without long term plans for the realisation of a return on investment or a whole-of-government approach Culture!!

Roadblocks to Progress "The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting for the old, but on building the new." -Socrates Source:

Progressing Australia’s Spatial Capability: Putting you in the picture Helen Owens General Manager Office of Spatial Policy Except for images where copyright is attributed.