November 2011iTEC - Designing the future classroom1 Maureen Haldane Senior Research Fellow MMU WP Leader (Evaluation of Large-scale Pilots) iTEC: Learning Scenarios, Stories and Activities
November 2011iTEC - Designing the future classroom2 iTEC … has the involvement of 15 Ministries of Education; is undertaking school pilots in over 1,000 classrooms across 17 countries; is the largest and most strategic project yet undertaken by European Schoolnet and its supporting Ministries; explores the fundamental question of how technology can be used effectively and successfully both by learners and teachers and is seeking to define the nature of the future classroom. iTEC’s Key Aim: to develop engaging scenarios for learning in the future classroom that can be validated in a large-scale pilot and be subsequently taken to scale. A Brief Introduction to iTEC
November 2011iTEC - Designing the future classroom3 What are iTEC Scenarios? They are relatively abstract descriptions of a learning and teaching experience describing the interactions of the learners and teachers with each other, tools and resources, the learning context and environment etc. They include innovation in technology-supported learning and teaching, in one form or other. The images on this page represent some of the first iTEC learning scenarios. How is a Scenario made? The building blocks of a scenario are trends in education, society, technology etc. These trends are derived through research and consultation; A scenario is built collaboratively by heterogeneous groups including: educationalists; academics; technologists and policy makers; Each scenario is built around a vision of the future classroom combining technical possibilities, teacher realities, and policy and strategy objectives. How are they used? Scenarios are used to present a vision of innovation in teaching and learning that will potentially challenge teachers to develop a wider set of competences, and provide opportunities for learners to acquire 21 st century skills. They are used as the inspiration for: iTEC Learning Stories Learning Activities.
November 2011iTEC - Designing the future classroom4 Scenarios Learning Stories Learning Activities Learning activities can be delivered in the classroom. They describe, in more concrete terms, discrete sessions of learner interactions. Learning stories are groups of activities “packaged together” to provide a holistic learning experience.