TCAT Governance Structure Item 19-13c
Scottish Cancer Taskforce TCAT Programme Board Operation Support Group Patient Experience Board NOSCAN Project Group WOSCAN Project Group SCAN Project Group Definition, delivery and evaluation of test / evaluation pilots Supported by appropriate Project Governance Framework incorporating Network Leads, Managers, Macmillan Development Managers and appointed Project Managers Supporting delivery across three networks providing a mechanism for Programme Manager and Network Project Managers to discuss delivery To innovate and strengthen the approaches used to involve patients, carers and the public in the development of the cancer TCAT programme and hold the Programme Board to account for delivering improvements in patient experience. To provide national leadership in the shaping and delivery of the partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support and the Scottish Government to transform cancer care after treatment.
TCAT Programme Board Operation Support Group Workforce Development Communication Audit/Data /Evaluation Regional Network Local Project Group Implementation Support Macmillan Service Development IT Support Local Authority Networks Local Authority Networks Primary Care Patient 3 rd Sector Transforming Care After Treatment (TCAT)