Barnsley Cancer Information and Support Service Healthwise it is easier than you think! Katie Hopkins Cancer Information Manager Barnsley Hospital
Background Cancer reform strategy, Preventing cancer. Action to increase awareness of risk factors and encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyles is therefore a crucial part of the government’s strategy to tackle cancer. Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Bus visited Barnsley and talked to over 70 people in one day. A bid to the PCT was successful in securing funding for a mobile information unit for the Barnsley locality and a member of staff to manage the service.
Increased Integration Fundamental that the service is embedded in cancer services Perceived as a ‘core’ service by health and social care professionals Range and breadth of support provided by the service promoted and understood across health and social care and the community Service recognised as a educational resource as well as a supportive one. Increased access Referrals into the service by health professionals Service promotion Volunteer support Location of the service User involvement
Partnership Working Barnsley Cancer Board Barnsley After Care support Group Barnsley Hospice Lead Cancer Nurse Allied Health Professionals Clinical Nurse Specialist GP Practices District Nurses Cancer Services Users Forum North Trent Cancer Network Local population Libraries Leisure Centres Schools Public Health BME Community Learning Disabilities Mental Health Nursing Homes and Residential Homes Work Places Other Cancer Information and Support Service Health promotion services Pharmacies
Prevention Stop Smoking Service Healthy Eating Change for life programme Healthy Schools Sun awareness Fit for Future initiative National Cancer Awareness events Healthy workplace programme
Detection Promote national Screening programmes HPV Vaccine Know the warning signs Know your body Early detection saves lives Educating people how to self care
Teaching resources
Survivorship Cancer survivorship programme Benefits advice Hospital Discharge End of treatment Holistic needs assessment Information Prescriptions Work life balance Remission
Opportunities National Drivers - Cancer reform strategy -Information prescriptions -National Programme for healthy schools - Change 4 life programme Network drivers -Holistic needs assessment -Equity of access to information across the network Local Drivers -Healthy Expectation: Supporting the population of Barnsley to maximise their health and well being. (A 5 year commissioning Strategy 2008/9 – 2012/13 )
Key Priorities Start early focus on children is key to changing culture and developing a population who actively self care. (Healthy expectations – NHS Barnsley Commissioning Strategy 2009) Educating and supporting cancer survivors and their families Work in partnership Improve access to services A more holistic approach is required which consider the ‘whole’ individual and their families.
Service Launch
Mayors Parade
Bowel Screening Programme
Launch of Sun Campaign
Mobile Cancer Information Service enquiries from January 2010 – July 2010
Vision ‘Equity of access to information and support’. To provide highly specialised advice to the general population of Barnsley, in respect of all aspects of cancer’.
Working together.