The origin of Chinese characters A high official called CangJie (4666—4596BC) asked his servant to buy a new cart after an accident. The naïve was cheated.


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Presentation transcript:

The origin of Chinese characters

A high official called CangJie (4666—4596BC) asked his servant to buy a new cart after an accident. The naïve was cheated because the forgot whether it should be “Two horses = one cart”, “Two carts = one horse”

Cangjie ( 仓颉 ) claimed to be the inventor of Chinese characters five thousand years ago.

The origin of Chinese characters: inscriptions on oracle bones 甲骨文

Chinese characters are like pictures, or call them: pictograph characters.


Chinese characters can be thought of as square- shaped “signs”.

Ideographs: graphical representations of abstract ideas 1. 一 2. 二 3. 三 4. 凶 5. 上 6. 下 7. 凹 8. 凸

Guess the meanings of the words


Guess the pronunciation and meanings of the words

The Evolution of Chinese Character writing styles

Chinese calligaraphy is considered an art, let’s enjoy some works: