Polk’s War: The Mexican War ( ) US History: Spiconardi
Background Mexico’s government never recognized Texas’ independence –Mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with the United States –James K. Polk elected president in 1844 Jacksonian Democrat Deep believer of Manifest Destiny –Control of Southwest & California would open trade opportunities with Asia Pro-slavery
Path to War Polk encourages Texans to seize land up to the Rio Grande River Mexico claims that the Nueces River is the border b/t US and Mexico Polk offers forgiveness of loan and $30 million for the land in dispute –Mexico has no stability in government & cannot negotiate Presidency changes 4 times alone in 1846 Polk instigates war by sending Gen. Zachary Taylor to border w/o a single troop who spoke Spanish (talked in French) –After 3-week standoff Mexican troops attack US cavalry
Path to War Polk to Congress: Mexico “had passed the boundary of the United States, had invaded our territory and shed blood on American soil.”
The War First American war fought on foreign soil Romantic Appeal –Media portrays this as a war of conquest in a far off exotic land US wins all but one battle
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo US not only gets Texas border at the Rio Grand River, but also… New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, parts of Colorado and Wyoming, and California (access to Pacific Ocean MANIFEST DESTINTY COMPLETE – US A CONTINTENTAL NATION
Divisions within the US “Slave Power Conspiracy” Racism Wilmot Proviso Read your assigned document and share with the pertinent info with your group