M. Walaszek 1, P. Bois 1, J. Laurent 1, A. Wanko 1 1 Ecole Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES) Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie (Icube), 2 rue Boussingault, Strasbourg, France Ponding water ultrasonic measurements in urban stormwater constructed wetland for clogging monitoring
The Ostwaldergraben WETPOL The EU Water Framework Directive: good status before 2027 Ostwaldergraben: bad status - presence of pollutants (nutrients, organic matter, hydrocarbons, metals) Necessity to improve the stream quality
2011 – Construction of 3 systems (sedimentation pond + constructed wetland) to compare their treatment efficacity To reduce pollution in stormwater before discharging into the stream The general project: the stream restauration WETPOL Watershed 3 Ostwaldergraben Watershed 2 Watershed 1
Objectives of the study WETPOL Stormwater constructed wetland (SCW): a specific functionning Variable input flow Heterogeneous spatial and temporal water distribution inside the SCW, even if presence of a distribution system Suspended solids in runoff and reeds litter: infiltration capacity reduce and physical clogging risk What are space and time dynamics of water ponding ? Observations Issues What can we deduce on clogging from water ponding ? Link rain event characteristics and SCW hydraulic response Describe the ponding behaviour after a rain event Study markers to prevent the clogging Objectives
The experimental site WETPOL Context and objectives Watershed 3 Ostwaldergraben Manhole Runoff Catchment area Total area (ha) 1.8 Active area (m²) 5,200 TypeResidential Artificial pondArea (m²)18 Hydraulic load (m 3 /m²/h) 10 Constructed wetland Area (m²) 100 Hydraulic conductivity (m/s) Hydraulic load (m 3 /m²/h) 0.5 to 1 % of active area (m²) 2%
WETPOL Context and objectives Link rain event characteristics and SCW hydraulic response Objective 1 Rain event Instrumenta tion Weather station (800m away) Information s provided Rain event duration Water height Intensity Dry period Return period Duration (h) Cumulated water height (mm) Average intensity (mm/h) Dry period (d) Return period 26/04/ to 6 months 27/04/ to 6 months 02/05/ weeks to 1 month 03/05/ to 2 weeks 04/05/ < 1 week 04/05/ weeks 07/05/ to 2 weeks 08/05/ < 1 week 10/05/ weeks 20/06/ months 03/07/ month 08/09/ to 2 weeks 10/09/ weeks to 1 month 11/09/ to 3 months 14/09/ to 2 weeks 14/09/ to 2 years 16/09/ weeks to 1 month 18/09/ weeks to 1 month 03/11/ to 3 months 08/11/ to 1.5 months 19/11/ to 3 months April to november rain events 21 studied Use of the Hierarchical Ascendent Clustering (HAC) analysis To classify rain events and SCW parameters by similarity
WETPOL Context and objectives Describe the ponding behaviour during a rain event Objective 2 Peak ponding height Average ponding height Upward ponding time Downward ponding time Average ponding time Start ponding time End ponding time + upward and downward ponding velocity Ponding Instrumentation Ultrasoni c sensor (x9, Ijinus – M0111) Informations provided Ponding height Calculation of ponding parameters: + Statistical moments 9 X
WETPOL Context and objectives Study markers of clogging Objective 3 dh dt Clogging prevent by ponding and piezometric water levels comparison : Ponding Instrumentation Piezometric probes (2 pression probes) Informations provided Piezometric height Infiltration Capacity Unsaturated permeability Kns (using ponding water dynamic): Where : L the thickness of the SCW (0,3 m) ΔH the difference of ponding heights
WETPOL Context and objectives Correlate ponding water and Phragmites australis biomass Objective 4 Reed biomass Instrumentation / method Height and diameter measurements per 0.25m² Quadrat Informations provided Phragmites biomass for summer & winter 2013 To compute: And compare with heterogeneous ponding water distribution in the SCW But only 2 sampling campaigns not enough to conclude …
Rain event characteristics and SCW response link Cluster 1 e1, e2 Cluster 2 e6, e7, e8, e4, e12, e 3, e5, e11, e21 Cluster 1 e14, e15, e16, e19, e17, e13, e18, e20, e9, e10 WETPOL Context and objectives Cluster 1 e16 Cluster 2 e11, e17, e18, e3, e15, e9, e10, e14, e19, e13, e20, e6, e5, e4, e12, e7, e8 Cluster 3 e21 Cluster 4 e1, e2 SCW parameters classification Rain event classification Group 1 (e1&e2): ponding height & downward velocity low infiltration velocity Group 2: big events & high ponding height variability Cluster 1Cluster 2Cluster 3Cluster 4 Duration (h) Water height (m) Intensity (m/h) Dry period (days) Cluster 1Cluster 2Cluster 3 Ponding height (m) Rise time (h) Descent time (h) Rise velocity (m/s) 4.0E-061.2E E-05 Descent velocity (m/s) 4.0E-061.0E E-05 Reduce variance Average ponding time SCW hydraulic response impacted by urban watershed hydrology
Spatial ponding water heterogeneity WETPOL Context and objectives Rain eventSensor detection (%) 26/04/ (4 sensors/9) 27/04/ /05/ /05/ /05/ /05/ /05/ /05/ /05/ /06/ /07/ /09/ /09/ /09/ /09/ /09/ /09/ /09/ /11/ /11/ /11/ to 6 months 3 months 6 months SensorDetected rain event (%)
Spatial ponding water heterogeneity WETPOL Context and objectives Average parameters for each ponding sensor from April to November 2013 Quartiles groups (quartiles 2 et 3 together) 4 & 7 High ponding heights 7 & 2 High descent velocity (high infiltration capacity) Heterogeneous ponding understanding soil sampling location
WETPOL 2015 Markers of clogging: ponding and piezometric measures 13 Context and objectives dh dt Piezometric heights reduce + Ponding heights stability Δh peaks increase Time of equilibrium increase Clogging risk
Markers of clogging: unsaturated permeability Kns Kns infiltration capacity of the SCW No significant Kns variation for this period (Max Kns= m/s, min Kns=0.064 m/s) Kns Intrinsic SCW property WETPOL Context and objectives
Conclusion and perspectives WETPOL Perspectives Pursuit of the study in the 1rst SCW (watershed 1) Extend the measurement period to 1 whole year Conclusion Impact of the variable incoming flow on SCW hydraulic characteristics Highlight of ponding, infiltration capacity Monitoring possible with simple instrumentation and 2 water levels Ponding map Help to choose soil and reed sampling locations
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